I'm getting the following error sometimes(not always) on submission of foundation form(cannot use core form component for some reason). Using AEM 6.5.10.
POST /content/xxx/form.html HTTP/1.1] org.apache.sling.servlets.get.impl.DefaultGetServlet No renderer for extension html, cannot render resource ResourceWrapper, type=foundation/components/form/actions/mail, path=/content/xxx/form/jcr:content/content/start, resource=[JcrNodeResource, type=foundation/components/form/start, superType=null, path=/content/xxx/form/jcr:content/content/start]
Similar thread - https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/t5/adobe-experience-manager/cannot-render-resource-res...
Apart from the above log, I dont see much in the logs.
Note: The "mail" action has been overlayed and the selector in the following line has been changed. Apart from this, there aren't any changes.
FormsHelper.setForwardPath(slingRequest, resource.getPath() + ".XXXmail.html");
Thank you