I am trying to extend the OOTB chart component. I created a chart component with resourceSuperType = foundation/components/chart. and then created a chart.java file which is a replica of com.day.cq.wcm.foundation.chart.java and saw a int variable yawidth defined like this:
int yaWidth = "" + this.maxValue.length() * 7;
I have copied chart.jsp,img.png.java and legend.png.java on my local chart component and updated their import chart.java from my local.
With this yawidht definition my local chart component is not working. But if I define yawidth like this
int yaWidth = 100;
It starts working again. Can someone tell me whats the significance of yaWidth and why its defined like that?.
Another part is, I am trying to induce tooltips on linechart, on hovering a certain point on line it shows the value. Is there any possible way of achieving it ?