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Extending default language list provied at /libs/wcm/core/resources/languages for AEM 6.0 for Translation


Level 2


     I would like to know how to extend/customize the language list defaultly provided at "/libs/wcm/core/resources/languages" in AEM 6.0.

I have created the same structure under apps as "/apps/wcm/core/resources/languages" and added new languages like Telugu,Tamil,Kannada etc which are supported by Google Translator. Changed the configuration in Felix console as described in the following link

 http://docs.adobe.com/docs/en/cq/current/developing/cq5-translator.html  under the topic "CHANGING LANGUAGE NAMES AND DEFAULT COUNTRIES".

But it dosen't work as expected, it always picks the newly added languages from "/libs/wcm/core/resources/languages" path instead of "/apps/wcm/core/resources/languages".

How do I customize/extend  the default language list so that i can translate pages in my site to the desired languages?

Looking forward for the response.

1 Accepted Solution


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Level 8
8 Replies


Level 10


Level 10

where are you trying to get this list ?


Level 2

I am trying to extend this language list under "apps" folder so that i can add new langages which are supported by Google Translator.


Level 2

Hi Sham HC,

I followed the same procedure mentioned in your link http://www.wemblog.com/2012/06/how-to-add-new-supported-language-in-cq.html mentioned under the topic change language name and default country.

But it dosent work. Please help if there is any other approach.


Correct answer by
Level 8


Level 8


Level 2

Hi Scott,

Thanks for the responce,I have tried the same thing mentioned in the link but it dosent work... not sure what exactly i have missed out.

Created same structure "/apps/wcm/core/resources/languages"  as mentioned in the link by adding new languages suppoerted by Google and changed the configuration also in http://<hostname>:<port-number>/system/console/configMgr/com.day.cq.wcm.core.impl.LanguageManagerImpl

But it dosent work out.



After following the steps you provided, I was successfully able to see my updated list of languages (after adding a new node under /apps/wcm/core/resources/languages), I first needed to either

  1. Restart AEM instance, or
  2. Refresh  com.adobe.granite.translation.api OSGi bundle under /system/console/bundles


Make sure you copy existing nodes under /libs/wcm/core/resources/languages, this is not just an overlay. There is also a "jcr:read" ACL for "language-manager-service" user on the /apps/wcm/core/resources/languages required.