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Experience Fragments & multiple sites


Level 1

Hi all, 

We have multiple sites and pages within the sites sharing the same templates, and we understand we need to assign an experience fragment to a template. We are wondering if it is possible, and if so how, to implement more than one experience fragment header on a single template, and direct which pages should use a certain experience header?  

Thank you!



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2 Replies


Community Advisor

While using a editable template, while using experience fragments, the same brand pointing to a locale, for example /content/experience-fragments/brand-a/en/header, the out of the box experience fragment will be smart enough to route the resource to the correct locale, for example /content/brand-a/fr -> /content/experience-fragments/brand-a/fr/header, /content/brand-a/kr -> /content/experience-fragments/brand-a/kr/header, /content/brand-a/it -> /content/experience-fragments/brand-a/it/header.

In previous projects, I had a similar requirement like yours, we had /content/brand-a, /content/brand-b, /content/brand-c using the exact same editable templates. So how did we determine 

  • /content/brand-a/ca/en (points to ->) /content/experience-fragments/brand-a/ca/en/header/master
  • /content/brand-a/ca/fr (points to ->) /content/experience-fragments/brand-a/ca/en/header/master
  • /content/brand-b/ca/en (points to ->) /content/experience-fragments/brand-b/ca/en/header/master
  • /content/brand-b/ca/fr (points to ->) /content/experience-fragments/brand-b/ca/fr/en/header/master
  • /content/brand-c/ca/en (points to ->) /content/experience-fragments/brand-c/ca/en/en/header/master
  • /content/brand-c/ca/fr(points to ->) /content/experience-fragments/brand-c/ca/fr/en/header/master

One Example Quick Solution (Use Context Aware Configuration):

Create an OSGi Configuration Interface > HeaderXFCaConfig.java

@ObjectClassDefinition(name = "Header XF Configuration")
public  HeaderXFConfig {

        name = "Header XF Path",
        description = "Path to the Experience Fragment used as the header"
    String xfHeaderPath();


2. Model to Resolve XF Dynamically

@Model(adaptables = { Resource.class }, defaultInjectionStrategy = DefaultInjectionStrategy.OPTIONAL)
public class HeaderXFModel {

    private Resource resource;

    private ConfigurationBuilder configBuilder;

    public String getHeaderXFPath() {
        HeaderXFConfig config = configBuilder.as(HeaderXFConfig.class);
        return config != null ? config.xfHeaderPath() : null;

3. Include XF Dynamically in custom component

<sly data-sly-use.header="com.example.core.models.HeaderXFModel"
     data-sly-resource="${header.headerXFPath @ resourceType='experience-fragment/components/xfpage'}">

4. Very Simple Context Aware Solution

  1. Configure Ca Config for:
    1. /content/brand-a/ca/en (points to ->) /content/experience-fragments/brand-a/ca/en/header/master
    2. /content/brand-a/ca/fr (points to ->) /content/experience-fragments/brand-a/ca/en/header/master
    3. /content/brand-b/ca/en (points to ->) /content/experience-fragments/brand-b/ca/en/header/master
    4. /content/brand-b/ca/fr (points to ->) /content/experience-fragments/brand-b/ca/fr/en/header/master
    5. /content/brand-c/ca/en (points to ->) /content/experience-fragments/brand-c/ca/en/en/header/master
    6. /content/brand-c/ca/fr(points to ->) /content/experience-fragments/brand-c/ca/fr/en/header/master


Community Advisor

Hi @LaurenDo1 ,

AEM’s Context-Aware Configurations + Model-based dynamic XF rendering allows you to:

Configure XF paths per site/locale.

Dynamically resolve and include the correct header XF at runtime.

Stay flexible as brands/locales grow — no template changes needed.

Step 1: Create OSGi Config Interface

Define XF Path per context (site/locale).

@ObjectClassDefinition(name = "Header XF Configuration")
public @interface HeaderXFConfig {

        name = "Header XF Path",
        description = "Path to the Experience Fragment used as the header"
    String xfHeaderPath();

Step 2: Create a Sling Model to Fetch Config

Fetch the configured XF path dynamically.

@Model(adaptables = { Resource.class }, defaultInjectionStrategy = DefaultInjectionStrategy.OPTIONAL)
public class HeaderXFModel {

    private Resource resource;

    private ConfigurationBuilder configBuilder;

    public String getHeaderXFPath() {
        HeaderXFConfig config = configBuilder.as(HeaderXFConfig.class);
        return config != null ? config.xfHeaderPath() : null;

Step 3: Include XF Dynamically in HTL Component

<sly data-sly-use.headerModel="com.example.core.models.HeaderXFModel"
     data-sly-resource="${headerModel.headerXFPath @ resourceType='experience-fragment/components/xfpage'}">

Step 4: Configure CA Config per Site/Locale

In CRXDE or AEM UI, create CA Config folders:

Assign xfHeaderPath like:

    /conf/brand-a/ca/en → /content/experience-fragments/brand-a/ca/en/header/master

    /conf/brand-b/ca/fr → /content/experience-fragments/brand-b/ca/fr/header/master
