In order to use Experience fragments on AEM pages, we have created an experience fragment under(/content/experience-fragments/abc/language-master/en) and used on pages(/content/abc/language-master/en).
Once rollout the page(/content/abc/language-master/en), the same language-master-XF is being rolled out to live-copy pages as well. So that all the links used in XF are language-master links even in live-copy domains.(This is creating an issue)
To avoid this issue, we have created a custom rollout configuration. Once we use this configuration on rollout, all the reference links gets updated to respective live-copy links in live-copy XF.
If we use language-master-XF on language-master page and rollout that page to a live-copy page, same language-master-XF is present on live-copy page as well.(This is creating another issue)
To Avoid this issue, we are breaking the inheritance of that particular component on live-copy page and updating language-master-XF link(/content/experience-fragments/abc/language-master/en) to live-copy-XF link(/content/experience-fragments/abc/india/en), then this issue gets resolved here.
However, we do not want to break the inheritance and change the link from language-master-XF link to live-copy-XF link in all the live-copy pages(18 live-copies available for my site). Is there any other way? (or) is this the best practice?
Thanks in Advance.!
Solved! Go to Solution.
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Hi @Aj_9625932
MSM in XF can be achieved in the same way as for the content pages. You need to create the folder of the Language copy and then you can create the Language copy of XF for each language folder. You can refer to the document in this under the sun-heading "Organizing your Experience Fragments" there is an image that shows the folder organization for MSM. Steps you can follow are:
1. Create a root folder ex: sample
2. Now inside the root folder create sub-folder with Title = English and Name = en
3. Inside root folder create one more sub-folder with Title = French and Name = fr
4. Now create one experience fragment under the folder English ex: test-XF
5. Now select the French folder > Create > Language Copy
6. Now in the "Create Language Copy" console, select the source as "/content/experience-fragments/sample/en/test", then select the Target language as "French" and other configs as desired.
Hi @Aj_9625932
In the past we created the custom rollout to update links within livecopy but later we found out that is too expensive(time complex) then we had to change the solution and updated the livecopy link from backend scheduled job.
However there were no impact to end customer, so we went with schedule job to update links corresponding to live copies once a day.
Hi @Aj_9625932
MSM in XF can be achieved in the same way as for the content pages. You need to create the folder of the Language copy and then you can create the Language copy of XF for each language folder. You can refer to the document in this under the sun-heading "Organizing your Experience Fragments" there is an image that shows the folder organization for MSM. Steps you can follow are:
1. Create a root folder ex: sample
2. Now inside the root folder create sub-folder with Title = English and Name = en
3. Inside root folder create one more sub-folder with Title = French and Name = fr
4. Now create one experience fragment under the folder English ex: test-XF
5. Now select the French folder > Create > Language Copy
6. Now in the "Create Language Copy" console, select the source as "/content/experience-fragments/sample/en/test", then select the Target language as "French" and other configs as desired.
The link to document no longer works.
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