I have java 8 x64 bit version installed. I just downloaded/opened the AEM jar file. After it ran and opened my browser I received the following error
Does anyone know how to fix this?
org.apache.sling.scripting.jsp.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP:
An error occurred at line: 267 in the jsp file: /libs/granite/core/components/login/login.jsp
Type mismatch: cannot convert from Object to String
264: }
266: private String getText(ValueMap cfg, I18n i18n, String name, String defaultText) {
267: String text = cfg.get(name, String.class);
268: return text != null ? i18n.getVar(text) : defaultText;
269: }
An error occurred at line: 282 in the jsp file: /libs/granite/core/components/login/login.jsp
Syntax error, parameterized types are only available if source level is 1.5 or greater
279: Resource configRoot = null;
280: if (configs != null) {
281: long maxOrder = Long.MIN_VALUE;
282: for (Iterator<Resource> cfgs = configs.listChildren() ; cfgs.hasNext() ; ) {
283: Resource cfg = cfgs.next();
284: ValueMap props = ResourceUtil.getValueMap(cfg);
285: Long order = props.get("order", Long.class);
An error occurred at line: 285 in the jsp file: /libs/granite/core/components/login/login.jsp
Type mismatch: cannot convert from Object to Long
282: for (Iterator<Resource> cfgs = configs.listChildren() ; cfgs.hasNext() ; ) {
283: Resource cfg = cfgs.next();
284: ValueMap props = ResourceUtil.getValueMap(cfg);
285: Long order = props.get("order", Long.class);
286: if (order != null) {
287: if (order > maxOrder) {
288: configRoot = cfg;
Solved! Go to Solution.
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I figured out the problem.
I opened the .jar file with incorrect default program set in windows. When I clicked on the jar file it was being opened by Java 10.
My command line though was correctly set to java 8. By opening the jar file through the command line I was able to open the jar file with the correct java version 8.
Thank you perfecciOnista, ebubey, and gauravb41175071.
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not sure, probably delete crx-quickstart folder, if this is a fresh instance as you mentioned and then try again with cmd/terminal rather than double clicking jar file
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Check if you have multiple java versions and also make sure java -version is pointing to right version.
Delete the quickstart folder and try installing once again.
If not last option try, using the command line to start.
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Two main reasons I have see so far:
1. Incorrect Java version
2. User does not have appropriate access to the file sytem where AEM is running.
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I figured out the problem.
I opened the .jar file with incorrect default program set in windows. When I clicked on the jar file it was being opened by Java 10.
My command line though was correctly set to java 8. By opening the jar file through the command line I was able to open the jar file with the correct java version 8.
Thank you perfecciOnista, ebubey, and gauravb41175071.
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