For static templates, current design of a site stored at /etc/designs/<site>/jcr:content/<page-component>/<component-name> . But since from 6.4 deisgn view is no longer available & it has been replaced by policies. There is a scenario i want to achieve in Editable template.
My website is multiligual & multinational where i'm using a common template for all the locales. For example i have one content-page template & i have a logo component. As a part of authoring, author needs to author logo component in designmode & gives a path of home page. for example :- for US website path is /content/mysite/us/en/homepage & for FR path is /content/mysite/fr/en/homepage.
In 6.3 if i'm using static templates i can achieve this requirement simply opening the page in design mode and can do authoring via design dialog and it will get stored in
for US : /etc/designs/mysite/us/en/jcr:content/content-page/logo
for FR /etc/designs/mysite/fr/en/jcr:content/content-page/logo
By this i'm using same template for all the locales .
If i want to do same thing in editable templates how can i achieve this. Since in editable templates we have policies. Can we add policies on the basis of a condition like if country is US then use this if FR use this ?
another way is to create a separate templtes for each locale. In that case if i have n number of locales i have to create each template n times.
I read many blogs where it's mentioned that experience fragments can be used for this. But how can we use experience fragments to fulfill this requirement.
Is this is limitations of Editable templates or there is any other way to do this . Please guide.
You can create design dialog like you used to create before and set value from template editor.
example components - /apps/core/wcm/components/list/v1/list
in Hero page template in we-retail
if you want to achieve something based on path you can go for context aware configurations.
Apache Sling :: Apache Sling Context-Aware Configuration
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Hey Arun, Thanks for your reply. But if i set any value here it will be same for all the pages created using this template. for example if i provide a path of US website here and then if i create a page in FR using same template . it will redirect me to US page. correct me if i'm wrong.
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Hi Karansheel,
Did you find a solution to this issue? If yes, please share your finding here, I am also facing the same issue in my project. I am developing a project in AEM 6.4 and recommended to use Editable templates but my site MSM and how can I use XF for header & footer because links are not changed in XF so navigation links are not updating based on languages & locales.
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karansheel , arunpatidar26, naveeng73207107 I am also facing the same issue.. It will be helpful if you could please share your findings/solution here..
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We converted header & footer to experience fragments and overlaid experience fragments component , so the path which we authored in XF, we convert that path based on currentPage locale. You need to have different language version of header & footer components.
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Core Experience fragment Component could be the option,
This component is available in core components 2.6
This supports locale as well.
you need to create XF in locale folder to use convert automatically for languages.