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Displaying Adobe Experience Manager Data in a Chart


Level 10

You can create an Adobe Experience Manager component that displays data queried from the Adobe JCR in a chart.  Assume, for example, that you want to display financial data queried from the Adobe CQ JCR in a chart. In this situation, you can create a CQ widget that uses a JQuery chart library that displays result data in a chart.


Each data point that is displayed is stored as a customer node's property named revenue, as shown in the following illustration.


In this example, AEM data is queried from the JCR by using the JCR  API within an OSGi bundle. The data is returned to the web page where it is displayed within a chart. This development article walks you through how to develop this AEM component. To read this development article, click http://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/using/displaying-experience-manager-data-chart.html.

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