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July 31st AEM Gems Webinar: Elevate your AEM development to master the integration of private GitHub repositories within AEM Cloud Manager.

Dispatcher cache configurations and Apache Vhost File Name


Level 1


Wanted to ask if there was any hard-mappings between the 'dispatcher cache configirations' and the name of the Apache Vhost config files within AEM (6.4.2)

We have 2 x Sites within AEM. a.com and x.com with respective apache Vhost config files as a.com.conf and x.com.conf.

We had to rename x.com.conf to 000.x.com.conf to bring it in 'UP' the alphabetical sequence in Apache so that Vhost x.conf is served first for SNI Handshake. Please note that no settings were changed within the config file itself (ServerName, DocRoot etc all un-changed). However, this seems to have broken the 'Dispatcher configs'. After these changes were done, we started to notice that changes published are not visible immediately (i.e. old content still being served). Trying to understand if the name of the configuration file of Apache (Vhost) is important to dispatcher cache configs.

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