I have created a filter for asset requests to DAM. For certain assets, I want to completely disable caching in the dispatcher and AEMaaCS CDN.
Is it enough to simply set the headers from Java, or do I need to also apply some logic in the dispatcher?
For instance, I am doing something like this:
public static void removeResponseCaching(SlingHttpServletResponse response) {
response.setHeader("Surrogate-Control", "no-store");
response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=0");
response.setHeader("Dispatcher", "no-cache");
response.setHeader("Pragma", "no-cache");
response.setHeader("Expires", "0");
However, I am noticing that cache control headers are still coming back for certain requests even though this code is being executed.
I am trying something like this in my vhost:
<LocationMatch "^/content/.*\.coreimg.*\.(?i:jpe?g|png|gif|svg)$">
<If "%{HTTP:Cache-Control} in { 'no-cache' }">
Header unset Cache-Control
Header unset Expires
Header set Expires 0
Header set Age 0
Header set Cache-Control "no-cache"
Header set Surrogate-Control "private"
Header set Cache-Control "max-age=2592000,stale-while-revalidate=43200,stale-if-error=43200,public,immutable" "expr=%{REQUEST_STATUS} < 400"
Header set Age 0
If I make a request to the file and supply Cache-Control: no-cache on the request, then the response contains the proper Cache-Control: no-cache header. However, if the request doesn't have the Cache-Control directive, it seems that the Cache-Control header is being set to
Solved! Go to Solution.
If you skip caching images, it will impact performance heavily. so reconsider caching again.
But in order to deny caching for dispatcher add a rule something like below : more info
/0005 {
/glob "/content/.*.coreimg.*.(svg|pdf)"
/type "deny"
to disabled CDN cache add a cache-control header from vhost file , more info
<LocationMatch "^/content/.*\.(jpeg|jpg)$">
Header set Cache-Control "max-age=0"
Header set Age 0
@dylanmccurry : If you don't want to cache certain requests based on their glob patterns, you should create a rule in your dispatcher configuration. Please refer: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/experience-manager-learn/ams/dispatcher/understanding-cac...
Can you create a glob pattern based on header values?
@dylanmccurry : glob pattern should be based on content (dam) path and not on header values.
You can refer other reply below from @arunpatidar and try with it for your use-case.
Thanks, I've found that I can do this from my vhost file:
# Files from DAM: cache mutable resources for max 24h on CDN and background refresh after 12h to avoid MISS
<LocationMatch "^/content/dam/.*$">
# Unset existing Cache-Control and Expires headers if the request status is less than 400 and X-Dispatcher is not 'no-cache'
Header unset Cache-Control "expr=%{REQUEST_STATUS} < 400 && %{resp:X-Dispatcher} != 'no-cache'"
Header unset Expires "expr=%{REQUEST_STATUS} < 400 && %{resp:X-Dispatcher} != 'no-cache'"
# Set Cache-Control header for browser caching for a max of 1 day
Header always set Cache-Control "max-age=86400,stale-while-revalidate=14400,stale-if-error=43200,public,immutable" "expr=%{REQUEST_STATUS} < 400 && %{resp:X-Dispatcher} != 'no-cache'"
# Set Surrogate-Control header for CDN caching for a max of 3 days
Header always set Surrogate-Control "max-age=259200,stale-while-revalidate=86400,stale-if-error=172800" "expr=%{REQUEST_STATUS} < 400 && %{resp:X-Dispatcher} != 'no-cache'"
# HTML pages: Cache for 5min with background refresh 15m on browser and 4h on CDN to avoid MISS, also incl. requests with query parameter
# Cache-Control headers will be added for any response which doesn't have an X-Dispatcher header set to 'no-cache'
<LocationMatch "^/content/.*\.html$">
# Unset existing Cache-Control and Expires headers if the request status is less than 400 and X-Dispatcher is not 'no-cache'
Header unset Cache-Control "expr=%{REQUEST_STATUS} < 400 && %{resp:X-Dispatcher} != 'no-cache'"
Header unset Expires "expr=%{REQUEST_STATUS} < 400 && %{resp:X-Dispatcher} != 'no-cache'"
# Set Cache-Control header for browser caching for a max of 5 minutes
Header always set Cache-Control "max-age=300,stale-while-revalidate=900" "expr=%{REQUEST_STATUS} < 400 && %{resp:X-Dispatcher} != 'no-cache'"
# Set Surrogate-Control header for CDN caching for a max of 5.5 minutes
Header always set Surrogate-Control "stale-while-revalidate=330,stale-if-error=930" "expr=%{REQUEST_STATUS} < 400 && %{resp:X-Dispatcher} != 'no-cache'"
# Error page caching by checking request status. Set it to a low value (e.g., 1 - 2 mins) in case content is being published
Header always set Cache-Control "max-age=60,stale-while-revalidate=120" "expr=%{REQUEST_STATUS} == 404"
Header always set Surrogate-Control "stale-while-revalidate=120,stale-if-error=120" "expr=%{REQUEST_STATUS} == 404"
# If X-Dispatcher is set to no-cache, do not cache the response
Header unset Expires "expr=%{resp:X-Dispatcher} == 'no-cache'"
Header unset Cache-Control "expr=%{resp:X-Dispatcher} == 'no-cache'"
Header unset Surrogate-Control "expr=%{resp:X-Dispatcher} == 'no-cache'"
Header always set Cache-Control "private" "expr=%{resp:X-Dispatcher} == 'no-cache'"
Header always set Surrogate-Control "private" "expr=%{resp:X-Dispatcher} == 'no-cache'"
So the general idea is that certain requests squelch caching by adding an 'X-Dispatcher: no-cache' header to the response.
If you skip caching images, it will impact performance heavily. so reconsider caching again.
But in order to deny caching for dispatcher add a rule something like below : more info
/0005 {
/glob "/content/.*.coreimg.*.(svg|pdf)"
/type "deny"
to disabled CDN cache add a cache-control header from vhost file , more info
<LocationMatch "^/content/.*\.(jpeg|jpg)$">
Header set Cache-Control "max-age=0"
Header set Age 0