I was referring to the following article and i have a query regarding the difference in use cases for container and section components.
Adobe Experience Manager Help | Using Event Handlers in Adobe Experience Manager Touch UI Components
Is a section restricted to only to under tabs or can it used without the tabs aswell?
Is there any difference in how both section and container render or functionality ?
Can both be interchanged while developing a dialog?
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I recommend checking with the Reference section here -- Welcome to Granite UI’s documentation! — Granite UI 1.0 documentation
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I cannot find anything about section in the link.Also there is also a fieldset mentioned. Could u please tell me the difference between Container , Section and FieldSet with any examples if possible.
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If you search for Section - you will see the data type in the reference docs - as you can see here. If you search for Container - you will see the docs for that as well.
However - most examples that have Tabs in Touch UI use Containers. See 2nd illustration.
See here for example of using Container in a TOcuh UI dialog -
To see this in an artilce and example AEM component - see:
Adobe Experience Manager Help | Creating an AEM 6.2 HTML Template Language tab movie component
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