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Default MSM ghost nodes under components in Livecopy


Level 2

Hi Team,

We are using AEM 6.1 SP2-CFP4 and we are having a lot of ghost nodes in the content with the following node structure :










I referred to the below articles to understand the reason behind such peculiar node structure. (Our problem is  actually a mixture of issues described in below articles )

Creation of MSM ghost nodes


These articles explain that if we delete a component inside the Live copy , AEM creates a placeholder ghost component. The other blog post from aempodcast talks about clicking on the 'Target' option in the component (The component included as cq:include in the template) which wraps the component inside a mbox with the resourceType cq/personalization/components/target.

Could you please suggest a solution to get rid of such nodes and the actual reason behind such occurrences ?

2 Replies


Level 2

The ghost node is not an "issue" in my opinion, it's a feature.

The wcm/msm/components/ghost is a technical sling:resouceType used in MSM, when you delete component that were inherited from a Blueprint.

If the node is deleted completely on the LC, then you wouldn't see placeholders on the LC page for the deleted component, with the "Placeholder for a deleted inherited Component" message.

The idea is to leave the possibility to restore single deleted components, through this.

The wrapper might result from users/authors trying to restore the "Ghost-component" and accidentally hitting the "Target" option, instead of the "restore" option in the context menu.


If you find this could be the issue, you might want to remove the "Target"-option from the context menu, for which one option would be to overlay the ghost component "libs/wcm/msm/components/ghost" - this might not work on the apps-folder, so please try overlaying the libs-folder as a test, if "apps" does not work (even though generally overlaying in libs is not recommended - in this case this might be needed).