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July 31st AEM Gems Webinar: Elevate your AEM development to master the integration of private GitHub repositories within AEM Cloud Manager.

Customizing project properties in the Projects feature


Level 1

I'm trying to find out how to customize the dialogs for creating, viewing, and updating a project. I'm not referring to mvn bundles, but the feature for projects in AEM.

I have overlayed the cq/core/content/projects/properties structure to have a new custom field. However when I click save the server code is not saving the data that is posted. I have verified that the data for the custom field is in the form post. I have also been able to load data into the UI if I hand enter it in the project node in the DAM.

What all do I need to do to show and save custom fields in a project properties dialog?

7 Replies


Level 10

This is an undocumented request. I am checking internally to see if other ppl have done this. 



You can overlay "/libs/granite/ui/components/shell/propertiespage/propertiespage.jsp"

I hope this would help you.


Kautuk Sahni


Level 1

I think I'm missing something with that jsp. How does it save custom fields? I would like to extend the Projects feature to have more data that is relevant to my business use cases. All of the OOTB project templates are good but too simple/specific to photos and generic text. I need to include more complicated workflows and metadata to the project and the content in the project. I'm attempting to add the metadata via custom fields in the create project wizard and the update project UI. I will also be adding additional information (the metadata) to the project info card (that one I think is fairly easy). But my problem is not showing the data, it is getting whatever component that receives the form post to save it to the node in the JCR. 

As best I can find, java classes in com.adobe.cq.projects package are doing the work. But I have not found a way to extend those classes yet. I don't want to replace what Adobe has created for projects, I just want to extend it to better fit my intended use. My intended use is to support an internal publishing workflow that not only creates content for web pages but for printed material too. I need to include in there internal project identifiers, (that come from other systems) and things like ISBN numbers.

Thanks for your help so far. Please let me know how I can extend AEM Projects.


BTW, i'm using AEM 6.2


Level 10

We got this reply from AEM internal experts: 

I believe that the servlet that Projects uses to Create/Update properties is not the Sling POST servlet but rather a custom servlet. IIRC the servlet only looks for a few form parameters supported by the Projects API and ignores the rest. So overlaying the form and adding additional fields would not result in capturing custom metadata as the customer is describing. 

 To my knowledge Projects does not support custom metadata properties and what the customer is trying to accomplish isn't really possible without some heavy customizations/work arounds.


Level 1

Yeah, I was afraid that was going to be the issue. I have traced AEM and I will be able to create a Sling POST filter to intercept the calls. Although I don't really appreciate this kind of monkey/shim patching method. It is in my opinion, crude.

It would be nice if Adobe allowed people to extend the feature, I'm sure there are many businesses that would like to use it, but with a few tweeks.