As of now we have implemented Synonyms Words, Custom Index Creation. let's implement stop words for search.
Stopwords : Stop words are commonly used words such as articles, pronouns and prepositions. stop words should be indexed for precise result listing . If a phrase contains stop words, the stop words will not be searched, but the searchable words will be searched in the order as entered. Example : "from AEM blog" phrase will exclude "from" as searchable word and search rest of the phrase.
We can follow below steps to implement this.
Create analyzers node : type - nt:unstructured
Create default node : type - nt:unstructured
Create filters node : type - nt:unstructured
Create Stop node : type - nt:unstructured
words : stop.txt [String]
Create stop.txt file : type - nt:file
After reindex changes will start reflecting.
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Kautuk Sahni