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July 31st AEM Gems Webinar: Elevate your AEM development to master the integration of private GitHub repositories within AEM Cloud Manager.

Custom Date picker is not populating via CSV Import


Former Community Member

Hi Experts

we are using AEM version 6.4. As per our clients requirement we are using the Import CSV feature to import the metadata fields in bulk.

We have custom Date type metadata field and the Map to properties value  is "./jcr:content/metadata/dc:archiveDate". In CSV we are using "dc:archiveDate {{Date}}" in column and value using in format "2018-04-12T09:45:54+02:00". But it is not tagiing and also not populating on UI.

Can you please help like what I am missing. I also attached the sample csv that we are using.



5 Replies


Former Community Member

The CSV data is like below





Former Community Member

Yes Arun, I already followed same way, it is working for other fields except the date fields. Only date fields is not tagging via csv import. However when updating same fields via user interface then it is working.

Issue is only via CSV import when we are importing csv.

