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custom base template for editable template


Level 6



when i  am creating the editable template there is two base template (HTML template and Adoptive form template).

Now i need to create new base template as per my requirement 

can any one tell me how i can create custom base template.



Manikantha R

1 solución aceptada


Respuesta correcta de
Community Advisor

Hi @manikanthar1295 


To create new custom editable template you will need to define a template type. Template types effectively provide templates for a template. When creating a new template the structure and initial content of the selected template type is used to create to the new template.

Template types allow you to define:

  1. The resource type of the page component.
  2. The policy of the root node, which defines the components allowed in the template editor.
  3. It is recommended to define the breakpoints for the responsive grid and setup of the mobile emulator at on the template type. This is optional, because the configuration could also be defined on the individual template.
  4. Template types are typically defined by developers.

Once the template type is defined you can navigate to Tools -> General -> Templates -> Project Specific Folder -> Create the template.

Please refer the below link for more information:




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1 Respuesta


Respuesta correcta de
Community Advisor

Hi @manikanthar1295 


To create new custom editable template you will need to define a template type. Template types effectively provide templates for a template. When creating a new template the structure and initial content of the selected template type is used to create to the new template.

Template types allow you to define:

  1. The resource type of the page component.
  2. The policy of the root node, which defines the components allowed in the template editor.
  3. It is recommended to define the breakpoints for the responsive grid and setup of the mobile emulator at on the template type. This is optional, because the configuration could also be defined on the individual template.
  4. Template types are typically defined by developers.

Once the template type is defined you can navigate to Tools -> General -> Templates -> Project Specific Folder -> Create the template.

Please refer the below link for more information:


