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when i am creating the editable template there is two base template (HTML template and Adoptive form template).
Now i need to create new base template as per my requirement
can any one tell me how i can create custom base template.
Manikantha R
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To create new custom editable template you will need to define a template type. Template types effectively provide templates for a template. When creating a new template the structure and initial content of the selected template type is used to create to the new template.
Template types allow you to define:
Template types are typically defined by developers.
Once the template type is defined you can navigate to Tools -> General -> Templates -> Project Specific Folder -> Create the template.
Please refer the below link for more information:
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To create new custom editable template you will need to define a template type. Template types effectively provide templates for a template. When creating a new template the structure and initial content of the selected template type is used to create to the new template.
Template types allow you to define:
Template types are typically defined by developers.
Once the template type is defined you can navigate to Tools -> General -> Templates -> Project Specific Folder -> Create the template.
Please refer the below link for more information:
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