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CRX De not showing repository tree after Java upgrade


Level 5

I had updated Java version from Java 8 to Java 11 and thereafter restarted the server (after making necessary changes to point it to Java 11). Everything is working fine, except for the crx which is not showing the nodes (the package manager works btw). It keeps on saying : Repository tree could not be loaded. If this is a production environment, CRX DE could be disabled for security reasons. If this is the case, you can choose to re-enable it by following the steps described here.



I did check the configurations and it is set to /crx/server as per the following article : 

Can someone please help me out with how to fix this issue? 

Note: Creating a fresh instance is the last thing I want to go with since there's a lot to re-do and client is using this instance actively.

11 Replies


Community Advisor

Hello @arindam6600 


Can you please try following?

- restart AEM

- Try by selecting and unselecting "Use absolute URLs" in the OSGi config

Aanchal Sikka


Level 5

Hi @aanchal-sikka , the following steps did not help.

- restart AEM : didn't solve the issue

- Try by selecting and unselecting "Use absolute URLs" in the OSGi configdidn't solve the issue


Community Advisor

hi @arindam6600 

Can you please check  Apache Sling DavEx Servlet in the configuration manager? It should have /crx/server in the server Root Path.



Pallavi Shukla


Level 5

@Pallavi_Shukla_ - Yes, it does have /crx/server in the server Root Path. Still the crx does not show the repository tree.


Community Advisor

Please check for error/request logs.

Is this happening when you upgrade java in the vanilla instance? ( without your custom code )?


Level 5

@Pallavi_Shukla_  - I checked the error logs and I am getting SegmentNotFoundException. I tried following this help article : https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-cloud-kcs/kbarticles/KA-19062.html?lang=en but it didn't help.


Community Advisor

Hi @arindam6600 ,


Please try below if they resolve the issue-


  • Access Web console -
  • Check status of Apache Sling JCR DavEx and Apache Sling Simple WebDAV Access to repositories bundles.
  • If the status is not Resolved then try to Activate them.



Ritesh Mittal


Level 5

@Ritesh_Mittal  - Both these are active.


Community Advisor

@arindam6600 , Could you check for any error in logs or if you can paste the logs here.


Level 5

I'm getting segment exception error when trying to access CrxDe. Can you please advice how to fix this?


Level 5

I created a fresh AEM instance and that solved the issue. Tried restoring to the latest stable segment by running oak-index tool but that corrupted the entire repository.