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Core components are ooob components that are shipped with aem and it is highly recommended to use them either as it is or by overlaying or extending them to speed up the over all component development process. To use core components we need to create proxy components in aem. In this tutorial i will show you how to create proxy component in aem and override core components by following all the best practices that adobe recommends for extending core components in aem.
As part of this tutorial i am going to extend core text component also known as rich text editor (RTE) as it is most widely and frequently used component that nearly caters all type of requirement associated with text editing and provide WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) text-editing experience.
After completing this tutorial you will have clear understanding about:-
Read more at AEMCQ5Tutorials: Create Proxy Component in AEM
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Again this is a fantastic article for the AEM community!!
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Hi AnkurAhlawat,
I have ever heard about Core component and proxy technique and found that proxy component technique is very useful to deal with legacy components and component versioning. Instead of changing legacy component source code directly, we could clone it to a new version and make a proxy to new one.
I have applied this technique to my current project recently. The result proved that we could rollback to old version as quickly and easily as possible if any issue with new version happened. It actually makes deployment process less painful, more confident and reduce the cost of testing and development.
Thanks for your article
Hi Ankur,
Great post and very informative.
As I have one question and please help me to understand the same –
Suppose based on the requirement if it is required to create a new component [similar to /apps/weretail/components/content/button (Link Button) and it doesn't have sling:resourceSuperType] and I want to incorporate ‘component policy’ feature with my new component , then what would be value of
sling:resourceSuperType property or I would say the what would be the approach.
Please correct me also.
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