- On a vanilla 6.5.16 AEM instance, create an user who has only read permissions under /content/cq:tags, and read permissions on root path - /
- Login using the newly created user.
- From the Start screen (http://localhost:4502/aem/start.html), navigate to Tools -> General -> Tagging - Notice that Create button is visible on load of Tagging screen. (http://localhost:4502/aem/tags).
- Click on any of the child tags, say We.Retail. Create button is still visible.
- Click on Create -> Create Tag.
- Create a test tag. Notice error on creating a Tag.
- On click of Cancel, the Create button is now hidden.
This is on AEM 6.5.16 On Premise & on AMS. Ideally the Create button should not be visible on load of Tagging screen as the user doesn't have create permission.
Please let me know if there is a way to hide the Create button on screen load.
Ashwin Raju