CQ5 Side Kick page properties option unavailable. Have only been working on the currents sites files and not the CQ core. Yet now whether from the sidekick or in the WCM I cannot select a pages properties option pop-up, other pop-up window options still work i.e. 'references...' , 'workflow...', 'move...' . I have checked user permissions, all correct. I get no error in the console when trying to access 'page proporties' from the CQ editor just a request to 'http://localhost:4502/libs/wcm/msm/components/rolloutconfig/chooser.overlay.infinity.json'
From WCM when selecting 'page properties' from a pages context menu, I get an error in the widgets.js file:
// private
lookupComponent : function(comp){
return CQ.Ext.ComponentMgr.get(comp);
}else if(!comp.events){
return this.createComponent(comp);
return comp;
Of Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'events' of undefined
Yet checking my GIT shows no evidence of this file being edited, when I search my IDE the 'widgets.js' which contains the above code cannot even be found.
Any ideas, anyone. Thanks