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ContextHub is not showing personalized content


Level 5

Hi All,


I tried to do a PoC on personalization using OOTB ContentHub. Everything I did as per documentation but when I am browsing the page from different browser or location, the page paints other components but not the targeted components for that we set the activity and audience. I am seeing below error on browser console and there is no entry in error log. I am using AEM 6.5 with SP 9.

Could someone help me why I am seeing this error and segmentation is not loading on the user's browser.

Store "granite.emulators" ( ƒ (b,a){this.config=g.extend(!0,{},k,a);a=this.getSupportedEmulators();g.extend(!0,this.config,{initialValues:{devices:a,currentDeviceId:a[0].id,
orientations:[{id:"landscape",title:"Landscape"},{id:"p… ) could not be initialized: TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading '1')
at contexthub:425:171
at Array.map (<anonymous>)
at contexthub:425:135
at Array.map (<anonymous>)
at Object.parseMediaRule (contexthub:424:443)
at e._getRules (contexthub:418:353)
at new e (contexthub:416:117)
at new e (contexthub:431:218)
at Object.<anonymous> (contexthub:477:361)
at Function.each (contexthub:49:476)
(anonymous) @ contexthub:477
each @ contexthub:49
(anonymous) @ contexthub:477
(anonymous) @ contexthub:478


 Thank you!

1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Level 5

Thank you @Bhuwan_B but this didn't work to fix the above error.

I updated the ContextHub path to "/libs/settings/cloudsettings/legacy/contexthub" in page property under personalization tab. And this fixed the error, and now I am seeing the content from segment. 






View solution in original post

2 Replies


Community Advisor

@RashidJorvee I have done Contexthub POC following the below URL on AEM recently and was successfully able to load personalized Content. Please check if you are missing something.


Gotchas that I found while implementing:

  1. If you observe "$CQ is not defined error", Please add 'cq.widgets' dependencies in clientlib-base.
  2. If you are using any Context Path, It might fail while loading Personalized content.



Correct answer by
Level 5

Thank you @Bhuwan_B but this didn't work to fix the above error.

I updated the ContextHub path to "/libs/settings/cloudsettings/legacy/contexthub" in page property under personalization tab. And this fixed the error, and now I am seeing the content from segment. 
