Hi Team
Does anyone can help here... i have some content fragments models by using these models i have created content fragment but what i found that for some content fragment i am not able to edit the multitext.
I can not edit the marked section. While for the other CF, which has created by the other model, multi text is editable.
I have compared the node by node structure of both models and CF's. But didn't get any clue from there.
@Siva_Sogalapalli @lukasz-m Please help me here.
1. do you see any errors in the logs? If so, please share the error details.
2. What is the AEM & core components versions are you having in your local/server?
3. If you have an issue with one particular content fragment model, can you try to delete multi text field and add again & see it how it works? I hope you've this issue on local only if not try to reproduce/install the package in your local and debug.
4. Also, please refer below and see if that helps.
As per your suggestion i have tried to delete the multi text and add it again but the editing didn't work. I have got some error in the error.log which i am mentioning below:-
05.07.2022 07:38:54.496 *ERROR* [ [1657021133085] GET /mnt/overlay/dam/cfm/models/editor/content/editor.html/conf/qkt/settings/dam/cfm/models/testmodel HTTP/1.1] org.apache.sling.servlets.get.impl.DefaultGetServlet No renderer for extension html, cannot render resource TypeOverwritingResourceWrapper, type=dam/cfm/models/editor/components/datatypeproperties/translatablefield, path=/conf/qkt/settings/dam/cfm/models/testmodel/jcr:content/model/cq:dialog/content/items/1657020207508, resource=[TypeOverwritingResourceWrapper, type=dam/cfm/models/editor/components/datatypes/field, path=/conf/qkt/settings/dam/cfm/models/testmodel/jcr:content/model/cq:dialog/content/items/1657020207508, resource=[JcrNodeResource, type=dam/cfm/admin/components/authoring/contenteditor/multieditor, superType=null, path=/conf/qkt/settings/dam/cfm/models/testmodel/jcr:content/model/cq:dialog/content/items/1657020207508]]
We are using AEM version and core component version 2.17.8.
I have attached the log also but didn't get any help with log.
Hi Jörg_Hoh Could you please provide any suggestion here.
@skumari1 Did you find any root cause or solution for this issue?
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Hi @skumari1
This issue is in AEM lib after the SP 11.
If you go into your environment and load this path in CRXDE,
You would see the last field name which "translatablefield". If you remove this field from the list, the content fragment model will load.
It seems the link from this field definition and integration has been broken by Adobe.
Please raise an Adobe Daycare ticket. We are going to do that as well, we noticed recently in our environments.
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