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Configuring embedded solr in AEM 6.3


Level 1

Configuring Embedded Solr in AEM 6.3 is causing authentication issues. Based on the forums and documentations available online, Embedded Solr is recommended only for development and testing environment but not for the production in AEM 6.2. There is no such recommendation available for AEM6.3.

Is it recommended to use in AEM6.3 production environment?

We might need the Embedded Solr documentations/whitepapers corresponding to AEM 6.3 and OOTB Embedded Solr API details for content re-indexing and other operations.

Would appreciate if anyone can help.

Steps followed:

  1. Go to web console : http://serveraddress:port/system/console/configMgr
  2. Search for "Oak Solr server provider" and press on edit
  3. Set Server Type to Embedded Solr.
  4. Search and edit “Oak Solr embedded server configuration" to set the home path.
  5. Open CRXDE and login as admin.
  6. Add a node called solrlndex of type oak:QueryIndexDefinition under oak:index with the following properties:

     •             type : solr

     •             async : async

     •             reindex : true

    7. Click on save. It gives authentication errors. Try multiple times and try to relogin.

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