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com.adobe.granite.workflow.core.job.JobHandler Process implementation not found


Level 1
I am using AEM 6.1 with Maven as the build manager. I have updated the .m2 local folder with the unobfuscated uber jar provided by Adobe. I am getting the following error: *ERROR* [JobHandler: /etc/workflow/instances/server0/2016-07-15/model_157685507700064:/content/myApp/testing/wf_test01] com.adobe.granite.workflow.core.job.JobHandler Process implementation not found: com.myApp.workflow.ActivatemyAppPageProcess com.adobe.granite.workflow.WorkflowException: Process implementation not found: com.myApp.workflow.ActivatemyAppPageProcess at com.adobe.granite.workflow.core.job.HandlerBase.executeProcess(HandlerBase.java:197) at com.adobe.granite.workflow.core.job.JobHandler.process(JobHandler.java:232) at org.apache.sling.event.impl.jobs.JobConsumerManager$JobConsumerWrapper.process(JobConsumerManager.java:512) at org.apache.sling.event.impl.jobs.queues.JobRunner.run(JobRunner.java:205) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1142) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:617) at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)


the uber jar does not seem to have com.adobe.granite.workflow.core.job package .. Can you please suggest a way to resolve this issue?

10 Replies


Level 4

What Java classes are you trying to use. I will test this to see if i get same results, Let us know the Java classes and the POM depedencies you are using. 


Level 1

I have a custom activate page class which extends the ActivatePageProcess class and regarding the POM dependencies



The com.adobe.granite.workflow.core.job.JobHandler component is in active state


Level 9

Are you seeing any error in Instances of Workflow console regarding this workflow??



Level 1

i get the same error ie. (Process implementation not found: com.myApp.workflow.ActivatemyAppPageProcess) in the Failure tab of the Workflow console.

I am pretty sure it is because of the "com.adobe.granite.workflow.core.job.JobHandler" class not present in the Uber jar .. I am not sure if the class was moved to a different package or renamed. 


Level 9

Is it possible to share the code so that i will check from my end??



Level 1

Steve Cave wrote...

What Java classes are you trying to use. I will test this to see if i get same results, Let us know the Java classes and the POM depedencies you are using. 


POM dependency: 



I have a custom Java class which extends the ActivatePageProcess from (com.day.cq.wcm.workflow.process)


Employee Advisor

I do not think there is anything to do with Uber Jar as you are able to compile your code. The exception you see is a run time exception when you execute your workflow process. Check in the Apache felix console whether the process step component class is in active state or not. If you do not see the class listed then check the status of the OSGI bundle which contains this class. If there was any issue with Uber Jar then you will get compilation and build problems. 



Level 1

Hi Gaurav Ghatge,

Even I am facing the same issue. Is the issue resolved.


Level 1

my Activate Page component was not active.. Once active the issue was solved 


Level 9

Is the process bundle  in active status??

