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Can we have sentiment analysis feature in stand-alone community social forum component?


Level 2

I have used social forum component on my html pages and wanted some sentiment analysis on UGC posted there on forum component. Following some adobe docs and looks like sentiments are only available with community site, not with stand alone forum component.

Can anyone please clarify this or send me some documents for help.

4 Replies


Level 2

This forum is for comments about the larger community of the Adobe forums, which is not what your post is about.

Do you have a question about Adobe products? If so, please clarify your question so we can move your post.

It is a user forum, and most questions are answered by users. I am really not sure what you are asking for, so more information would be helpful.


Level 2

This question is for Adobe AEM components only, i.e. community social forum. We are using  forum components and wanted to check sentiments if we can enable there, will it be captured in Adobe analytics? I was referring some adobe docs and looks like sentiments are possible only for community site.

Forum component image given below for your reference.


Moved from Forum Comments to Adobe Experience Manager by moderator.


Level 10

YOU post is valid - I can only assume you posted in the wrong community and someone moved it here. We will pass this queston to the AEM Communities team.


Level 1

Thanks Scott.

I tried myself and found while using sentiments in Forum standalone component, sentiments field is generating in json output. Which I assume we can track into Adobe analytics.

Please add or update if anyone has any thing more on this topic.

Is there any default tracking we have in Adobe analytics for sentiments?