I am trying to download the service pack for AEM 6.2 but the link (https://www.adobeaemcloud.com/content/marketplace/marketplaceProxy.html?packagePath=/content/compani...) to it doesn't work. Where can I download the service pack/s for AEM 6.2?
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As of today, supported AEM version is 6.5
If your organization has the relevant access for Service pack downloads, you would be able to download them from https://experience.adobe.com/#/downloads/content/software-distribution/en/aem.html
this is correct location, I reported this issue internally to get this resolved
Adobe site is temporary down.Please try after sometime.
AEM 6.2 SP1 and Hotfixes available @ https://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/kb/aem62-available-hotfixes.html
Can you retry?
it is working now.
Thanks for your answers. It's working now.
How or where do I get the non cloud service pack because I don't install in the cloud?
Click on the asset tab, then you can download the file.
As of today, supported AEM version is 6.5
If your organization has the relevant access for Service pack downloads, you would be able to download them from https://experience.adobe.com/#/downloads/content/software-distribution/en/aem.html