Some time ago I already wrote some posts (1, 2, 3) about unit testing with AEM, especially in combination with SlingMocks / AEM Mocks.
In the last months I also spent quite some time in improving the unittests of ACS AEM Commons, mostly in the context of updating the Mockito framework from 1.9x to a more recent version (which is a pre-requisite to make the complete build working with Java 11). During that undertaking I reviewed a lot of unit tests which required adjustments; and I came across some patterns which I also find (often?) in AEM projects. I don’t think that these patterns are necessarily wrong, but they make tests hard to understand, hard to change and often these tests make production code overly complex.
I will list a few of these patterns, which I consider problematic. I won’t go that far and call them anti-patterns, but I will definitely look closely at every instance I come across.
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Kautuk Sahni