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Best practice to setup SFDC cloud config on Publisher in higher environments.


Community Advisor

Hi AEM folks,

We are setting up AEM SFDC Cloud configuration on our higher environments. We have already done it for the author instance as we have access to the cloud configuration on author mode but whereas we don't have access to publisher cloud configuration on our higher environments what should be the recommended way to set it up on the publisher ?

Our servers are managed by Adobe. 

Reference link for Salesforce setup: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-65/administering/integration/salesforce.h... 

Nikhil Kumar

@arunpatidar @Jörg_Hoh @vanegi @BrianKasingli @Vijayalakshmi_S  @VeenaVikraman 

2 Replies



Marked this as featured. Thanks a lot for sharing this.

Kautuk Sahni


Level 1

Have you got any answer for this?