content structure: content fragment jcr:content, jcr:content/data/master nodes have properties such as jcr:title, tags. see below.
need to get suggestions based on jcr:title , tags.
if jcr:title or tags array contains search term text return a suggestion.
what I tried:
tried with below new oak index only on jcr:title
<indexRules jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured">
<dam:Asset jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured">
<properties jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured">
<jcrTitle jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured" boost="{Double}2.0" name="jcr:content/jcr:title" nodeScopeIndex="{Boolean}true" propertyIndex="{Boolean}true" useInSpellcheck="{Boolean}true" useInSuggest="{Boolean}true"/>
<suggest jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured" suggestUpdateFrequencyMinutes="{Long}1"/>
1. contains query
2. rep:suggest query to get suggestions.
SELECT * FROM [dam:Asset] AS s WHERE ISDESCENDANTNODE([/content/dam/sample/faqs]) and CONTAINS(s.*, 'summit')
SELECT [rep:suggest()] FROM [dam:Asset] WHERE SUGGEST('summit') AND ISDESCENDANTNODE('/content/dam/sample/faqs')
both above queries return same results.
But once I added "tags" to oak index definition (see below) , rep:suggest query , contains query returning different number of results. in fact, tags property not seeming to be picked by rep:suggest query.
<indexRules jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured">
<dam:Asset jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured">
<properties jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured">
<jcrTitle jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured" analyzed="{Boolean}true" boost="{Double}2.0" name="jcr:content/jcr:title" nodeScopeIndex="{Boolean}true" propertyIndex="{Boolean}true" useInSpellcheck="{Boolean}true" useInSuggest="{Boolean}true"/>
<modelTags jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured" analyzed="{Boolean}true" boost="{Double}2.0" name="jcr:content/data/master/tags" nodeScopeIndex="{Boolean}true" propertyIndex="{Boolean}true" useInSpellcheck="{Boolean}true" useInSuggest="{Boolean}true"/>
<suggest jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured" suggestUpdateFrequencyMinutes="{Long}1"/>
at this time, I do not know what is wrong with my oak index definition. I need suggest on multiple properties one property is jcr:title is at jcr:content node level, another property tags is at jcr:content/data/master level as shown in screenshots.
any help is appreciated, I looked at several blogs and tried this but suggest not seeming to pick tags property on all nodes.
note: every time I changed index definition, reindex done as well.
Total Likes
@sreenu539 , make sure you have "path": "jcr:content/data/master" included in your index definition as shown below
@shubhanshu_singh I added aggregates for "jcr:content", "jcr:content/data/master" no change in number of results for query rep:suggest.
Can you share your query execution plan here?
seems like "includedPaths" , "ISDESCENDANTNODE" not working fine. why?
<testSuggestIndex jcr:primaryType="oak:QueryIndexDefinition" async="[async]" compatVersion="{Long}2" evaluatePathRestrictions="{Boolean}true" includedPaths="[/content/dam/sample]" reindex="{Boolean}false" type="lucene">
<aggregates jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured">
<dam:Asset jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured">
<include0 jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured" path="jcr:content"/>
<include8 jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured" path="jcr:content/data/master"/>
<indexRules jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured">
<dam:Asset jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured">
<properties jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured">
<jcrTitle jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured" analyzed="{Boolean}true" boost="{Double}2.0" name="jcr:content/jcr:title" nodeScopeIndex="{Boolean}true" propertyIndex="{Boolean}true" useInSpellcheck="{Boolean}true" useInSuggest="{Boolean}true"/>
<modelTags jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured" analyzed="{Boolean}true" boost="{Double}2.0" name="jcr:content/data/master/tags" nodeScopeIndex="{Boolean}true" propertyIndex="{Boolean}true" useInSpellcheck="{Boolean}true" useInSuggest="{Boolean}true"/>
<suggest jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured" suggestUpdateFrequencyMinutes="{Long}1"/>
above is modified testSuggestIndex at /oak:index node. Aggregators added for jcr:content, jcr:content/data/master
for word 'summit' returns some results
for rmd there is some content tagged with tag sample:rmd
no results for rep:suggest
Hi @sreenu539 ,
I created the index on a fresh AEM 6.5 installation and just updated includedPaths property to point to we retail
Index definition
// 20230509135521
// http://localhost:4502/oak%3Aindex/testSuggestIndex.-1.json
"jcr:primaryType": "nt:unstructured",
"compatVersion": 2,
"includedPaths": "/content/dam/we-retail/en/faqs/shipping-and-returns",
"seed": 5486196388710534621,
"type": "lucene",
"async": [
"evaluatePathRestrictions": true,
"reindex": false,
"reindexCount": 1,
"aggregates": {
"jcr:primaryType": "nt:unstructured",
"dam:Asset": {
"jcr:primaryType": "nt:unstructured",
"include0": {
"jcr:primaryType": "nt:unstructured",
"path": "jcr:content"
"include8": {
"jcr:primaryType": "nt:unstructured",
"path": "jcr:content/data/master"
"suggest": {
"jcr:primaryType": "nt:unstructured",
"suggestUpdateFrequencyMinutes": 1
"indexRules": {
"jcr:primaryType": "nt:unstructured",
"dam:Asset": {
"jcr:primaryType": "nt:unstructured",
"properties": {
"jcr:primaryType": "nt:unstructured",
"jcrTitle": {
"jcr:primaryType": "nt:unstructured",
"nodeScopeIndex": true,
"useInSuggest": true,
"propertyIndex": true,
"analyzed": true,
"useInSpellcheck": true,
"name": "jcr:content/jcr:title",
"boost": 2
"modelTags": {
"jcr:primaryType": "nt:unstructured",
"nodeScopeIndex": true,
"useInSuggest": true,
"propertyIndex": true,
"analyzed": true,
"useInSpellcheck": true,
"name": "jcr:content/data/master/tags",
"boost": 2
SELECT [rep:suggest()] FROM [dam:Asset] WHERE SUGGEST('shipp') AND ISDESCENDANTNODE('/content/dam/we-retail/en/faqs/shipping-and-returns')
Execution Plan
"Expedited Shipping",
"Shipping Locations",
"Shipping Methods",
"Shipping Time",
As you can see above the query seems to be returning the results correctly after adding "jcr:content/data/master" in aggregates.
For more info you can refer documentation : Jackrabbit Oak – Lucene Index (
@shubhanshu_singh For word "rmd" in my case, not returning any results.
It only returning results if I take out ISDESCENDANTNODE or includedPaths.
Other than that, I see index you created is same as what I created.
@sreenu539, the reason why your query with "rmd" is not returning any result is because - the subset is done by filtering the top 10 suggestions. So, it's possible to get no suggestions for a subtree query, if top 10 suggestions are not part of that subtree. For details look at OAK-3994 and related issues. It is mentioned in the Jackrabbit Oak documentation as a note.
Document: Jackrabbit Oak – Lucene Index (
@shubhanshu_singh sub tree mentioned in ISDESCENDANTNODE has tags, words which say "rmd" , It seems "includedPaths" is not supported, at the least for suggest.
@sreenu539 The subtree might have the results but check this.
From the query execution plan you can see - the suggest query first tries to get all the relevant suggestion - it takes the top 10 result and then apply your subtree filtering
Now if the results under '/content/dam/sample/faqs' does not fall into the top 10 results you may get zero results.