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Asset report


Level 4


I a puzzling one!

IN AEM 6.1 how can one print a report for the following;

"Assets which have been published and on a live page for over a year"



4 Replies


Level 10

AEM Assets do not contain properties that store this information.


Level 10

try this query in /crx/de.  Modify the date and other fields as required. This would just give the published assets and not the referenced assets - 

select * from [dam:Asset] as node where node.[jcr:content/cq:lastReplicated] > CAST('2017-01-01T00:00:01.000Z' AS DATE) and node.[jcr:content/cq:lastReplicationAction] = 'Activate' and ISDESCENDANTNODE(node, [/content/dam/we-retail])

Now create a join for reference property or otherwise write code using

aem-samples/ReferencedAssetsServlet.java at master · Adobe-Marketing-Cloud/aem-samples · GitHub

AssetReferenceSearch ("The Adobe AEM Quickstart and Web Application.")

SQL2 reference -


9 JCR-SQL2 Queries Every AEM Developer Should Know - Blog - 6D Global


Level 10

This should be custom built but it should be pretty straight forward with the right query based on the properties you would need and objective of the report