H Team,
Can you please help to find difference between Ansible vs Terraform ,Which one recommendable for AEM Installation and Configuration Management
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Ansible and Terraform are both popular infrastructure automation tools, but they serve different purposes and have different strengths. Let's compare Ansible and Terraform based on their main features and use cases:
Language and Configuration:
Ecosystem and Community:
Learning Curve:
Use Cases:
In summary, while Ansible and Terraform are both valuable tools for automation, they excel in different areas. Ansible is great for configuration management and application deployment, while Terraform is more focused on infrastructure provisioning and management in the cloud. Many organizations use both tools together as they complement each other well, with Ansible handling system configuration and Terraform managing the underlying infrastructure.
Thank you so much
Can I use Ansible for Install AEM software means run the .sh script & install the packages using Curl command ex : AEM service pack installation & restart AEM Server with ssh into server
Ansible and Terraform both are automation tools used in DevSecOps ecosystem. Both serve different purposes-
Ansible focuses more on configuration management, automated app deployment tasks. It uses YAML declarative language to define the tasks.
Terraform: is Infrastructure as Code(IaC) tool designed to provision and manage the infrastructure across multiple clouds. It uses declarative config language known as HashiCorp Configuration Language(HCL).
In most of the cases, a combination of Ansible and TF can be used. TF to provision the necessary infra and Ansible for application configuration management on the provisioned infra.
Please thoroughly assess your application specific requirements, infra set ups needed to determine the suitable approach for your AEM installation and config management needs.
Thank you very much .
Can I use Ansible for Install AEM software means run the .sh script & install the packages using Curl command ex : AEM service pack installation & restart AEM Server with ssh into server