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Annotation disappears in authoring mode following page refresh


Level 4

Posted this previously in communities - re-posting here as well...

Something about my application customisation has broken the authoring annotations feature: I can use the context menu annotate option to save annotation comments but when I refresh the page the annotation is hidden (OSX, Chrome browser v48).  Where should I start to debug this problem?

This works OK in a 'fresh' version of AEM6 (prior to installing my code), e.g. I can edit a Geometrixx page store an annotation and following a page refresh the annotation pop-up is shown).   Looking in the content tree I can see a node of type cq:annotations with the values stored that I have entered.  

  1. There are no obvious errors client or server side.
  2. When I create an annotation the browser's web console shows output like the following. 
XHR finished loading: POST "http://localhost:4502/content/geometrixx/en/jcr:content/par/text_1/cq:annotations/".post @ widgets.js:90400CQ.wcm.Annotation.CQ.Ext.extend.post @ widgets.js:170605field.CQ.Ext.form.TextArea.listeners.change @ widgets.js:170908EXTUTIL.Event.fire @ widgets.js:4777EXTUTIL.Observable.fireEvent @ widgets.js:4418CQ.Ext.form.Field.CQ.Ext.extend.onBlur @ widgets.js:66196h @ widgets.js:11672 clientlibs_jquery.js:9666 XHR finished loading: GET "http://localhost:4502/content/geometrixx/en/jcr:content/par/text_1/cq:annotations/more_.json".
5 Replies


Level 10

In your custom AEM app - are you using a lot of JS files. Are you placing JS libs in AEM clientlib folder? Sounds like a JS File conflict. 


Level 10

My assumption For your description is

  • Classic ui is used.
  • Fresh instance no issue
  • Deploy Custom code
    • no issue in geometrixx.
    • Custom content using custom component refresh of page annotation is disappearing.

Try following things & let us know how it goes

  • Use browser private window & access page directly & verify.
  • Switch between classic ui & touch ui, see if issue is reproducible even on geometrixx.
  • Make sure out of the box component is not overlayed
  • In your custom component verify the cq:editConfig & especially the property cq:actions & its value.  Delete the property & verify. If resolve keep adding one by one all the action to find the action causing it. 


Level 4

Thanks for the replies @smacdonald2008 and @Sham HC

Alas, no the problem appears in Geometrixx as well as our custom content, once our custom code is deployed.

Trying Sham HC's suggestion in spite of the problem being in geometrixx demo app as well,

  • Use browser private window & access page directly & verify. > using Chrome in incognito mode, problem (annotations can be entered and values stored but they are not displayed following page refresh) persists in geometrixx pages
  • Switch between classic ui & touch ui, see if issue is reproducible even on geometrixx. > annotations disappear in touch ui, following page refresh in geometrixx pages 
  • Make sure out of the box component is not overlayed > we have copied and amended the sightly parsys (/libs/wcm/foundation/components/parsys) as part of our /apps customisation
  • In your custom component verify the cq:editConfig & especially the property cq:actions & its value.  Delete the property & verify. If resolve keep adding one by one all the action to find the action causing it. > I've added an annotation node to the content node corresponding to our custom 'button' component.  But that custom button's cq:editConfig doesn't have a cq:actions property... (have I understood this suggestion correctly?)


I'm still stumped!  Should I be debugging something like /libs/cq/ui/widgets/source/widgets/wcm/Annotation.js?


Level 10

File a support case with your package. Issue would be either acl configuration or using an custom jquery.


Community Advisor
        Could you please share your code,we can try at our end as well.