Enabled a custom UI test in cloud manager pipeline which work fine and able to see the corresponding Download Details tab, clicking on which a detailed set of logs and test reports are generated.
Is it possible to retrieve same set of reports using the aio cli command ?
On checking the repository https://github.com/adobe/aio-cli-plugin-cloudmanager, I could not find a corresponding command for downloading the details and all available commands just download the entire log.
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Hi @arunpatidar ,
Yes, there is no command available for this.
But by utilising the Cloud Manager API, we can access "artifacts" through the following endpoint:
For instance, to obtain details about our pipeline, you can execute this API call:
GET /program/{programId}/pipeline/{pipelineId}/execution/{executionId}/phase/{phaseId}/step/{stepId}/artifacts,
which will return a response such as:
{ "id": "291", "stepName": "uiTest", "type": "UI_TEST_RESULTS", "file": "ui-test-results.zip", "format": "zip", "md5": "\"0x8DD0EC\"" }
To download the "ui-test-results.zip" file, you can make another API call using the artifact ID:
GET /program/{programId}/pipeline/{pipelineId}/execution/{executionId}/phase/{phaseId}/step/{stepId}/artifact/291.
Integrating this process is straightforward if you are using the Cloud Manager SDK.
I believe you've answered your own question. The GitHub repo contains the official information and available functionality at the moment. You can always open a GitHub issue to propose new ideas.
Hope this helps!
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