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AEM - Using Client-Side Libraries | AEM Community Discussion




AEM - Using Client-Side Libraries by Adobe Docs


Modern websites rely heavily on client-side processing driven by complex JavaScript and CSS code. Organizing and optimizing the serving of this code can be a complicated issue.
To help deal with this issue, AEM provides Client-side Library Folders , which allow you to store your client-side code in the repository, organize it into categories, and define when and how each category of code is to be served to the client. The client-side library system then takes care of producing the correct links in your final webpage to load the correct code.

How Client-Side Libraries Work in AEM
The standard way to include a client-side library (that is, a JS or CSS file) in the HTML of a page is simply to include a 


While this approach works in AEM, it can lead to problems when pages and their constituent components become complex. In such cases there is the danger that multiple copies of the same JS library may be included in the final HTML output. To avoid this and to allow logical organization of client-side libraries AEM uses client-side library folders .
A client-side library folder is a repository node of type cq:ClientLibraryFolder . It's definition in CND notation is
[cq:ClientLibraryFolder] > sling:Folder
- dependencies (string) multiple
- categories (string) multiple
- embed (string) multiple
- channels (string) multiple

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AEM - Using Client-Side Libraries


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Kautuk Sahni

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