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AEM Upgrade from 5.6.1 to 6.2


Level 2


Getting following error while installing the package from 5.6.1 to 6.2.

Please help me resolve this issue.

"org.apache.jackrabbit.vault.packaging.PackageException: javax.jcr.nodetype.ConstraintViolationException: OakConstraint0001: /apps/xxxx[[nt:folder]]: No matching definition found for child node config with effective type [rep:root, rep:AccessControllable, rep:RepoAccessControllable]"

Thanks in Advance.

2 Replies


Employee Advisor


Are you sure, that the nodetype "rep:root" do exist on AEM 6.2? I just checked my local instance and it's not there.

And let me ask another question: Why do you deploy content with ACLs on /apps/xxx/conf nodes? These nodes are by default protected by wildcard ACLs, so no special ACL setup is required at all.



Level 2
Hi Jorg, So you want me to remove  [rep:root, rep:AccessControllable, rep:RepoAccessControllable] these ACL's wherever at not i am finding. If yes only from apps/xxxx/conf folder or all others also like apps/xxxx/component/ or apps/xxxx/designs etc?