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AEM Site Edit Page Name and Content Path


Level 1

Deleted some unpublished drafts and create new pages with same titles

AEM automatically added "1" "2" "3" behind the page name

i.e. create page "travel-2025" --> delete --> create page "travel-2025" --> page title remains "travel-2025" but the page name and content path url become "travel-20251"

Would there be any solutions regarding this problem? Thank you


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7 Replies


Level 5

To achieve the best results, you should ensure that the pages are completely unpublished (simply unpublishing a page does not delete it) and removed from the repository before creating a new page with the same name. This step may effectively prevent AEM from adding unwanted suffixes.


To fully delete a page:

  • Navigate to the page in the AEM author instance.
  • Select the page and choose Delete from the options.
  • Confirm the deletion.

Once the old page is permanently deleted, you should be able to create a new page with the same name without AEM appending a number.


I followed your suggested flow in my AEM 6.5.21 instance, and I found that during the second creation, the page retained the clean node name "travel-2025" without any additional characters.


Is it possible that someone else was creating the page at the same time as you?


Level 1

Thank you for helping.

Remember that we unpublished and clicked delete in the sites folder. Only one editor using the system at the time, but still...


Would there be any method to resume the original version "travel-2025", or to edit the "travel-20251" to "travel-2025"?


Tried to create workflow and search the old "travel-2025", and it can be selected for publish. Not sure where can we completely remove the old one from system...


Level 5

hi @SweetySw ,

Can you please try changing the new page "travel-20251" node name to "travel-2025". If this needs to be done from the UI you can use the "move" option and change the name from "travel-20251" -> "travel-2025". In both the cases if there is an older page with same name you would get an error.







Level 1

Thank you for your reply.

Just tried the move method, rename "travel-20251" as "travel-2025", however, it became "travel-20252" 


Wondering if there is some cache files which recorded all files including the ones deleted from our side.


Level 5

If possible, please access the CRXDE console at /crx/packmgr/index.jsp and check if "travel-2025" exists. It is advisable to use an account with admin permissions, as this will help you definitively understand the existence of the page.


Level 1

Tried to summon back the original "travel-2025" but failed


when I clicked create workflow, searched "travel-2025", the deleted page was here again for selection.

Published the old page again, yet it is not displayed in the sites folder. In the page, it said has been approved already 



Community Advisor



AEM provides an option to restore delete pages. Please try if the deleted page is still available, when you are trying to create a new page.


Via Coral UI:




Via Classic UI


Open http://localhost:4502/siteadmin#/content  -- this would enable CLASSIC UI. Browse to the parent of deleted page. You might see the "deleted" page under the selected parent page with an option to recover.



Also, when you delete page, unselect "Do you want to archive pages before deletion?" from the pop-up & try the same steps




Aanchal Sikka