Sometimes when I try to startup my CQ 5.4 instance, after a few seconds "waiting for server startup...", I got the message "Server not ready, browser not lauched".
The most annoying thing is that if I keep trying, eventually it works.
Following the stderr.log contents, if anyone can help me I thanks a lot. :
Loading instance properties:/quickstart/
Not forking JVM as -nofork option is set
Using 64bit VM settings
The JVM reports a heap size of 494 MB, meets our expectation of 384 MB +/- 20
CHILD process: will shutdown if '250' (+ line end) is received on standard input
The JVM MBean:Perm Gen reports a maximum size of 128 MB, meets our expectation of 128 MB +/- 20
Setting system properties from filename 'file:/C:/CQ5/CQ%205.4/cq5-'
System property '' set to '.*/(install|config)(.author)?$' from filename cq5-
System property '' set to 'author' from filename cq5-
System property 'server.ready.url.1' set to '900/120/0 http://localhost:$PORT$/login.html .*(QUICKSTART_HOMEPAGE|CRX_LICENSING_PAGE).*' from filename cq5-
System property 'server.ready.url.2' set to '300/40/0 http://localhost:$PORT$/libs/cq/core/content/systemready.txt .*(QUICKSTART_HOMEPAGE|CRX_LICENSING_PAGE).*' from filename cq5-
System property ' ntPath' set to '/bin/login.html?src=CRXLaunchpadLicenseFilter' from filename cq5-
Verbose option not active, closing stdin and redirecting stdout and stderr
Redirecting stdout to C:\CQ5\CQ 5.4\crx-quickstart\logs\stdout.log
Redirecting stderr to C:\CQ5\CQ 5.4\crx-quickstart\logs\stderr.log
Exception in shutdown polling thread, giving up: Stream closed
Shutdown polling thread ends
Quickstart startup at Tue Apr 10 14:03:39 BRT 2012
DiskSpaceUtil.getMaxOpenFiles() reports a maximum of 2147483647 open files, meets our requirement (8192)
PortSelector: Selecting server port from supplied list: 4502,8080,8081,8082,8083,8084,8085,8888,9362,random
PortSelector: Trying port 4502
PortSelector: Successfully bound to port 4502, will use it
PortSelector: Selected port 4502
Build number not changed, software update not needed
PreserveExistingFiles: no files to restore from pre-upgrade backup
System property set to file:/C:/CQ5/CQ%205.4/cq5-
System property set to C:\CQ5\CQ 5.4\crx-quickstart
System property set to C:\CQ5\CQ 5.4\crx-quickstart\server
System property set to 4502
C:\CQ5\CQ 5.4\crx-quickstart\server\etc\server.xml exists, assuming CRX is already setup
Processing updates...
Updates source: C:\CQ5\CQ 5.4\crx-quickstart\repository\patches\new
RunJarOnce INFO: RunJarOnce created, srcFolder=C:\CQ5\CQ 5.4\crx-quickstart\repository\patches\new, doneFolder=C:\CQ5\CQ 5.4\crx-quickstart\updates\history
No update jars executed
Done processing 0 updates
sling.repository.url not set, empty in instance properties
Starting CQSE on port 4502, interface=null...
Work dir: C:\CQ5\CQ 5.4\crx-quickstart
CQSE arguments: [-p, 4502]
System property server.ready.url.1 defines WaitUrlParams, url=http://localhost:4502/login.html, regexp=.*(QUICKSTART_HOMEPAGE|CRX_LICENSING_PAGE).*, times=900/120/0
System property server.ready.url.2 defines WaitUrlParams, url=http://localhost:4502/libs/cq/core/content/systemready.txt, regexp=.*(QUICKSTART_HOMEPAGE|CRX_LICENSING_PAGE).*, times=300/40/0
Waiting for http://localhost:4502/crx (0/60) ...
Waiting for server startup...
Retrying http://localhost:4502/crx (ConnectException) (2/60)...
Retrying http://localhost:4502/crx (ConnectException) (4/60)...
Retrying http://localhost:4502/crx (ConnectException) (6/60)...
Retrying http://localhost:4502/crx (ConnectException) (8/60)...
Retrying http://localhost:4502/crx (ConnectException) (10/60)...
Retrying http://localhost:4502/crx (ConnectException) (12/60)...
log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (
log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
Retrying http://localhost:4502/crx (ConnectException) (14/60)...
Retrying http://localhost:4502/crx (ConnectException) (17/60)...
Retrying http://localhost:4502/crx (ConnectException) (19/60)...
Retrying http://localhost:4502/crx (ConnectException) (21/60)...
Retrying http://localhost:4502/crx (ConnectException) (23/60)...
Retrying http://localhost:4502/crx (ConnectException) (25/60)...
Retrying http://localhost:4502/crx (ConnectException) (27/60)...
Retrying http://localhost:4502/crx (ConnectException) (29/60)...
Retrying http://localhost:4502/crx (ConnectException) (31/60)...
Retrying http://localhost:4502/crx (ConnectException) (33/60)...
Retrying http://localhost:4502/crx (ConnectException) (35/60)...
Retrying http://localhost:4502/crx (ConnectException) (37/60)...
Retrying http://localhost:4502/crx (ConnectException) (39/60)...
Retrying http://localhost:4502/crx (ConnectException) (41/60)...
Retrying http://localhost:4502/crx (ConnectException) (43/60)...
Retrying http://localhost:4502/crx (ConnectException) (45/60)...
Retrying http://localhost:4502/crx (ConnectException) (47/60)...
Retrying http://localhost:4502/crx (ConnectException) (49/60)...
Retrying http://localhost:4502/crx (ConnectException) (51/60)...
Retrying http://localhost:4502/crx (ConnectException) (56/60)...
Retrying http://localhost:4502/crx (ConnectException) (60/60)...
http://localhost:4502/crx timed out after 60 seconds
Did not get expected content at server URL, server might still be starting up
Please try http://localhost:4502/crx again later
(69 seconds since startup)
Server not ready, browser not launched
CHILD process: shutdown hook
CHILD process: exiting
Solved! Go to Solution.
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Please Shut down your CQ instance. Search for "cache.lock" file and delete it.
Restart your CQ instance.
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Please Shut down your CQ instance. Search for "cache.lock" file and delete it.
Restart your CQ instance.
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