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July 31st AEM Gems Webinar: Elevate your AEM development to master the integration of private GitHub repositories within AEM Cloud Manager.

AEM migration from Windows server to Linux


Level 4

I have a requirement where I want to migrate AEM 5.6.1 from Windows to Linux.

Few points:

  • On Windows, the data store is setup to use Network File Share. See the configuration below.
  • The instance is heavy in size; around ~10 TB

repository.xml configuration:

<DataStore class="com.day.crx.core.data.ClusterDataStore">

        <param name="path" value="\\<host>\cq5\author\datastore"/>

        <param name="minRecordLength" value="4096"/>


What would be the migration steps if I want to migrate to Linux and keep the data store still on Network File Share?

OR What would be the migration steps if I want to migrate to Linux and keep the data store locally?


8 Replies


Level 1


What is the reason you are moving to Linux? I have this question as we are just implementing AEM, and wondering why you are moving.




Level 4

Hi Dave,

We are upgrading the AEM to 6.3 version and moving to cloud. Current instance (windows AEM 5.6.1) is on-premise. Hence this question.



Level 1

I understand. But why are you not moving to Windows servers in the cloud, instead of Linux?


Level 4

I appreciate your prompt response. Considering your point in mind, I have a question: if I move to windows servers in the cloud, how can I migrate the repository (as per my original question; we are using Network File Share as data store)? What would be my options?

1. If I want to keep the same network file share as data store, how this can be configured? I know AEM now uses the Data Store configurations (File Data Store and S3 Data Store)

2. OR what can be done to move data store to local disk (as an File Data Store)?



Level 10

The reason why there is not a prompt response is because this is not a typical use case. Most community members are not using 5.6 and fewer have moved from Windows to Linux. One suggestion may be to install on Linux and move your content using Packages. I have also checked internally - but have not heard anything yet.


Level 4

Hi Scott, content packages doesn't sound feasible approach when we are talking about moving ~10 TB content.


Level 10

I am not sure this is a documented use case. We are checking with the DOC Team.


Employee Advisor

If you can reach the same share (NFS or SMB) where the datastore is currently located also from your linux box, it is not a  problem. But you have to mount the share into the filesystem of the linux system, as the datastore can only adress files (no adresses of network shares).
