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AEM Maven archetype


Level 4

Is there a non Git location that I can download the latest archetype project? My agency blocks my access to Git and I'd like to migrate our code from a very old project to the current archetype to modernize the organization of code and working groups.


Thanks in advance.

8 Replies


Community Advisor

No, that I am aware of, the official repo is in GIT, what you could do is download the maven archetype .zip from outside your company, and then just bring it to your company's PC via gdrive, onedrive or any other common file repo.

Esteban Bustamante

Nope. Blocked by the companies security policies.


Community Advisor

Why don’t you create a maven archetype project on your local using the project archetype instead of downloading the project archetype from any other git repo


Level 4

Really? I don't have access to get the archetype to build the new one. I'd love to build my own but I can't download the aem-project-archetype to run the command to build one for the project. That is my whole problem.


Community Advisor

You can talk to your IT Team to provide a proxy for downloading Adobe git repo.

This is followed by most of the company for security purpose.


Level 4

I've already put in a request for access that was denied.


Community Advisor


Level 4

I've read that several times. The problem is that I can't access GitHub to download the archetype.