Hi Community,
I am trying to create a graphQl endpoint using the https://www.graphql-java.com/documentation/getting-started/ .
So I'll be writing this sample code in Servlet and trying to print the same response {hello=world} using the Servlet endpoint.
But when I am adding the dependency, the bundle is never active when I run the core maven build and always fails during the full build.
Could you help me with what I am missing here?
Thank you,
Solved! Go to Solution.
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Strangely, I don't have any compile issues.
Could you help me with what changes you made in core pom for the BND plugin?
@Prince_Shivhare Can you please share build error and list of packages not getting resolved in bundle.
Please confirm you are trying to add below dependency in code.
It's an error of some dependent jars in a graphql-java.
If you'll try to setup the same and use the example Java code provided in the link. you'll see the error during the build.
@Prince_Shivhare I got compilation error and after changing below code it fixed the issue and build failure also did not come.
RuntimeWiring runtimeWiring = RuntimeWiring.newRuntimeWiring()
.type("Query", builder -> builder.dataFetcher("hello", new StaticDataFetcher("world")))
For bundle to be active, you need to embed the graphql jar in BND plugin to resolve import issues.
Strangely, I don't have any compile issues.
Could you help me with what changes you made in core pom for the BND plugin?
I'm also facing the same issue. Could you please provide me the steps if you already fix it?
Thank you!
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Use case: Expose content fragments data using servlet through graphql.
Trying sample code in the link above but getting many dependency issues fir the below. Tried to resolve but no luck.
import static graphql.schema.idl.RuntimeWiring.newRuntimeWiring;
import graphql.ExecutionResult;
import graphql.GraphQL;
import graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema;
import graphql.schema.StaticDataFetcher;
import graphql.schema.idl.RuntimeWiring;
import graphql.schema.idl.SchemaGenerator;
import graphql.schema.idl.SchemaParser;
import graphql.schema.idl.TypeDefinitionRegistry;
public class GQLService {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String schema = "type Query{hello: String}";
SchemaParser schemaParser = new SchemaParser();
TypeDefinitionRegistry typeDefinitionRegistry = schemaParser.parse(schema);
RuntimeWiring runtimeWiring = newRuntimeWiring()
.type("Query", builder -> builder.dataFetcher("hello", new StaticDataFetcher("world")))
SchemaGenerator schemaGenerator = new SchemaGenerator();
GraphQLSchema graphQLSchema = schemaGenerator.makeExecutableSchema(typeDefinitionRegistry, runtimeWiring);
GraphQL build = GraphQL.newGraphQL(graphQLSchema).build();
ExecutionResult executionResult = build.execute("{hello}");
// Prints: {hello=world}
Thank you
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If you don't have any specific parameter requirement, you can go ahead with out-of-the-box graphql implementation with content fragments.
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you might want to look into this repository -
@Prince_Shivhare , referring to your question, I wrote an article explaining different ways to fetch graphql response https://medium.com/@bsaravanaprakash/aem-graphql-fa%C3%A7ade-patterns-building-wrappers-apis-around-...
You may read at your leisure.
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