Welcome to the part 2 of the Adobe Experience Manager learning. This is a lesson 3 – AEM Dialogs, in this lesson I’m going to walk you through AEM Dialog functionality with respect to different modes they could be run with.
Let’s highlight the Objectives of the lesson, so here they are
1. Today we will understand the main role of edit dialogs.
2. Learn their structure and configuration.
3. Find out the difference between Classic UI and Touch UI dialogs.
4. At the end of session we will create a sample edit dialog.
Main Role of Dialogs
Let’s figure out the main role of dialogs in AEM, after an experience
1. Dialogs are a key element of your component as they provide an interface for authors to configure and provide input to that component.
2. Depending on the complexity of the component your dialog may need one or more tabs – to keep the dialog short and to sort the input fields.
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Kautuk Sahni