Here is Step by Step procedure to create dynamic drop down for Touch UI based on configuration from multi field component.
Step 1: Create a multifield component from OOB widget provided by Granite library as simple as using text and value fields using text field widget.
sling:resourceType: granite/ui/components/foundation/form/multifield
Step 2. Create a component which would have a touch ui dialog with below node.
Create a node with nt:unstructured having below property.
sling:resourceType :granite/ui/components/foundation/form/select.
Next node would be datsource using sling:resourceType with sling servlet defined with path.
Step 3: Create a sling servlet as below definition.
@Component(service = Servlet.class, property = {
Constants.SERVICE_DESCRIPTION + "= Service to get drop down list",
"sling.servlet.methods=" + HttpConstants.METHOD_GET,
"sling.servlet.paths=" + "/apps/comp/getDropDownList" })
Step 4 : Below code snippet to fetch the data and respond back to Author Touch ui dialog.
protected void doGet(SlingHttpServletRequest request,
SlingHttpServletResponse response) throws IOException {
try {
ResourceResolver resourceResolver = request.getResourceResolver();
String jsonPath = "/content/we-retail/language-masters/en/experience/jcr:content/content/dropdowncomp";
Resource resource = resourceResolver.getResource(jsonPath);
if (resource != null) {
ValueMap valuemap = resource.getValueMap();
String[] jsonInString = valuemap.get("dropdownList", String[].class);
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
ComponentDropDownVO componentDropDownVO;
List<Resource> dropdownList = new ArrayList<>();
for(String jsonString : jsonInString){
componentDropDownVO = mapper.readValue(jsonString,ComponentDropDownVO.class);
ValueMap vm = new ValueMapDecorator(new HashMap<String, Object>());
vm.put("value", componentDropDownVO.getValue());
dropdownList.add(new ValueMapResource(request.getResourceResolver(), new ResourceMetadata(), "nt:unstructured", vm));
DataSource dataSource = new SimpleDataSource(dropdownList.iterator());
request.setAttribute(DataSource.class.getName(), dataSource);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.error("Error in Get Drop Down Values" , e);
Step 5: Component Drop Down VO Class for POJO.
public class ComponentDropDownVO {
private String text;
private String value;
public String getText() {
return text;
public void setText(String text) {
this.text = text;
public String getValue() {
return value;
public void setValue(String value) {
this.value = value;
Great community content!
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neerajg29767140 smacdonald2008
Can you please let me know how to use resourcetypes instead of paths.
I am trying
@Component( service = Servlet.class, immediate = true, property = {
"sling.servlet.resourceTypes=myproject/components/datasource", "sling.servlet.methods=get", } )
But its not working.
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Create a nt:unstructured node mydatasource in your project repository e.g. /apps/myapp/utils/datasource/mydatasource
set below property to this node
Set following property to select/datasource node
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Thanks for the reply arunpatidar26
My setup is as follow.
sling:resourceType | String | myproject/components/datasource |
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