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AEM Assets metadata import and export capabilities in AEM 6.2


Level 4

Dear All,

Can you please let me know , if this feature is available in AEM 6.2 "or" not.

Adobe Experience Manager Help | Using Metadata Import and Export in AEM Assets 

4 Replies


Level 10

This doc says this applies to 6.4.


Level 4

Dear smac,

Yes I know this feature applies to 6.4...

So my question is that , Is similar feature available in AEM 6.2 ?


Level 8

No this feature is not avalible in AEM 6.2 you need to write custom code you can check acs-commons it has a feature to export metadata in csv format


Level 8

AEM 6.4 :

There is not OOTB functionality in AEM 6.2 but it is available in AEM 6.4

https://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/kt/assets/using/metadata-import-feature-video-u se.html

ACS-Commons :

If you are using acs-commons then you can use CSV Asset Importer, check below link

CSV Asset Importer

There are so many open source tools are available in the market to convert CSV to excel, so you can use those along with the ACS-Commons CSV Asset Importer.

I prefer this for single time execution or multiple times because it involves a manual approach

Custom solution :

If you want to avoid converting CSV to Excel using a tool and you want to run this as cron job then it is better to write custom job