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AEM as a Cloud Service sitemap subdomains


Level 3

Hi AEM Community


I have the following scenario


Brief description:

Customer has AEM as a Cloud Service with multiple subdomains configured.


The sitemap feature is enabled and also a customized class (MySiteMap.java) that extend the ResourceTreeSitemapGenerator abstract class from Sling.


One of the responsibility of the MySiteMap.java class is to remove the www. from the subdomains via code through custom regular expression


Customer has the following domain and subdomains configure:

1 - www.mycompany.com 

2 - ensurance.mycompany.com

3 - supplychain.mycompany.com



When the sitemaps are generated for these multiple domains the output produced is the following


for: 1 - www.mycompany.com  


<lastmod>YYYY-MM-DDT HH:MM:SS</lastmod>


for: 2 - ensurance.mycompany.com


<lastmod>YYYY-MM-DDT HH:MM:SS</lastmod>


for: 3 -supplychain.mycompany.com


<lastmod>YYYY-MM-DDT HH:MM:SS</lastmod>
Note that for 2 and 3 the substring www. is being added
from where this www. is coming from ?
Is possible to remove the www. substring through AEM configuration instead of do via code as mentioned early ?
Thanks community


7 Replies


Community Advisor


Do you have those url in link externalizer configuration or in etc/map?



Arun Patidar



Hi arunpatidar


I have 2 questions though 


1 - 

You think if configure a regular expression to remove the www. for the 2 subdomains mentioned previously  for  /etc/map/ensurance.mycompany.com and /etc/map/supplychain.mycompany.com would resolve the issue on the sitemap generated ? printing our the expected  


for: 2 - ensurance.mycompany.com


<lastmod>YYYY-MM-DDT HH:MM:SS</lastmod>


for: 3 -supplychain.mycompany.com


<lastmod>YYYY-MM-DDT HH:MM:SS</lastmod>
2 - From where the www. substring is coming from? regardless any setup of configuration done


Community Advisor


I believe its is coming from some configuration, can you check if your implementation adding those



Arun Patidar



@_Clodo_  Did you find the suggestions from Arun helpful? Please let us know if more information is required. Otherwise, please mark the answer as correct for posterity. If you have found out solution yourself, please share it with the community.

Kautuk Sahni


Level 3

Hi @arunpatidar 


Here is the structure of the /etc/map from the scenario described previously.




------>sling:match = (.+)$



------>sling:match = (.+)$



------>sling:match = (.+)$




Level 3

Hi kautuk_sahni yes I found helpful, however still have doubts




Not Tried, but can you try:

To remove the "www." from subdomain URLs, you can configure "Apache Sling Sitemap - Site Configuration" OSGi configuration to use a different hostname for each subdomain:

ensurance.mycompany.com = https://ensurance.mycompany.com
supplychain.mycompany.com = https://supplychain.mycompany.com
Reference link: https://www.theaemmaven.com/post/aem-apache-sling-sitemap Or https://www.tothenew.com/blog/exploring-apache-sling-sitemap-generator-with-customization-in-aem/ 

Kautuk Sahni