When I add Image component, the component itself put an extra character below the image icon. And remains when I go for preview mode. I have added the snapshot below.
In preview mode the code appear for this section is also given below
<small><div><span class="cq-text-placeholder-ipe">¶</span></div></small>
Why does 'Image' component causing the problem?
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Could you please share AEM version ? Any specific reason to use classic UI instead of touch UI ?
Adobe Experience Manager (
No special reason. Just using it.
Can you please check the HTL / JSP code of image component? what do you see there?
Image component
Draws an image.
--%><%@ page import="com.day.cq.commons.Doctype,
com.day.cq.wcm.foundation.Image, com.day.cq.wcm.foundation.Placeholder" %><%
%><%@include file="/libs/foundation/global.jsp"%><%
Image image = new Image(resource);
//drop target css class = dd prefix + name of the drop target in the edit config
image.addCssClass(DropTarget.CSS_CLASS_PREFIX + "image");
image.setSelector(".img"); // use image script
// add design information if not default (i.e. for reference paras)
if (!currentDesign.equals(resourceDesign)) {
String divId = "cq-image-jsp-" + resource.getPath();
%><div id="<%= xssAPI.encodeForHTMLAttr(divId) %>"><% image.draw(out); %></div><%
%><cq:text property="jcr:description" placeholder="" tagName="small" escapeXml="true"/>
<%@include file="/libs/foundation/components/image/tracking-js.jsp"%>
Hey, I remove the below line form JSP code
<cq:text property="jcr:description" placeholder="" tagName="small" escapeXml="true"/>
the unexpected character has gone.
Then it could be a product bug.
Could you please raise this with Adobe?