I happened to hear from adobe that there is an internal bug. Basically asset folder paths or asset name should not contain apostrophes(').
It is not easy with aem querybuilder to get to the assets and folders containing apostrophes. Had to write queries for nt:folder, sling:folder, sling:orderedfolder- (deliberately ran separate queries), assuming possible types
For assets,
1. I could be missing something but i happened to notice not all assets have the asset name stored in cq:name property under jcr:content while they have it stored under dam:relativepath. Wondering why
2. best way to get assets with apostrophe in such cases if cqname does not exist for all assets
3. The dam:relativepath has apostrophe for a few assets, while the folder path containing the asset does not. A move/copy of an asset under a folder with apostrophe to a new folder path, carries the dam:relative path without updating it. Is this normal?
4. How would one approach updating dam:relativepath without backend code?
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Hello @NitroHazeDev
As you mentioned that the none of the 2 metadata are available for all images, best might be to right a script.
It can visit all assets down the hierarchy and check their actual names for invalid characters.
If you can use Groovy script, it would be a lot easier to execute.
Thanks @aanchal-sikka .. It was time sensitive and had no time to write up one but also wanted to avoid traversal. I ended up doing a search on nt:folders, sling:folders, sling:ordered,.. not with the aim though but it helped bring up since thumbnail renditions are folders under the asset node and excel massaging helped. But i really hoped we could do it via nodename and special character search on it. I figured special character search was not great.
Do we know why the properties/metadata are not available anymore- upgrade bit prior to 65?
Do you know about #3, 4? I think it does not update with move per an old forum topic since it may no update within 65 for move.. i see no property as such on 65
An asset has a lot of metadata. And we tend to use few of them.
I would suggest, to spend efforts on correcting metadata, only if it affects any operations that you need.
I do not have old/upgraded AEM versions, so cannot confirm on the availability of metadata in AEM < 6.5
I agree @aanchal-sikka , totally.. but are those really the ones that matter would be the question and i don't get a clear response from adobe.
A gem - To my earlier question, under tools->assets you could run reports , ofcourse not folder level but assets and filter for apostrophe - another approach
I will be researching into it to get into the weeds of those metadata bit