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Aem 6.4 SPA React Gradle build is stuck at 83%


Level 2

Hi, My build(.\gradlew) is stuck at 83% i kept it for 1day still there was no progress. Please help me. I tried running aem through  command as well "java -Xmx4096M -jar cq-author-p4502.jar -gui -r author,local -port 4502 -debug 10123", there was no progress. I'm blocked any help would be appreciated.






5 Replies


Community Advisor

@renoyroy Can you try deleting your node modules and again execute the npm install ?


Level 2

@Nikhil-KumarThanks for your reply. I tried that as well still the same. And instead of ./gradlew i tried commands one by one 1) .\gradlew :aem:assembly:full:aemCompose - Success, 2) >.\gradlew :aem:assembly:full:executeWebpack - Success. 3) .\gradlew :aem:assembly:full:aemUpload - Its stuck at 95%(attached screenshot for your reference. 


Level 2
@Nikhil-Kumar Thanks for your reply. I tried that as well still the same. And instead of ./gradlew i tried commands one by one 1) .\gradlew :aem:assembly:full:aemCompose - Success, 2) >.\gradlew :aem:assembly:full:executeWebpack - Success. 3) .\gradlew :aem:assembly:full:aemUpload - Its stuck at 95%(attached screenshot for your reference. Thanks)


Community Advisor



As @Nikhil-Kumar  mentioned ,try deleting node_modules along with package lock.json file (if any) and then run 'npm install' again.


Level 2
@Ritesh_Mittal I tried that as well still same issue exists.