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AEM 6.3 ResourceProvider resourceResolve.getResource always returns null


Level 5

I am having trouble solving the following issue: I have a ResourceProvider with a root mapped at '/synthetic/config'. In the getResource() method I retrieve the resourceResolver and try to fetch the resource (this resource does exists!) but this never succeeds, I always get a 'null'.

Here is my code (I based mine on https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/sling/trunk/launchpad/test-services/src/main/java/org/apache/sling/...  ):




        @Property(name = ResourceProvider.PROPERTY_NAME, value = "Planets"),

        @Property(name = ResourceProvider.PROPERTY_ROOT, value= ConfigResourceProvider.SYNTHETIC_CONFIG_ROOT)


public class ConfigResourceProvider extends ResourceProvider<ConfigResourceProvider.DoesNotNeedAContext> {

    public static final String SYNTHETIC_CONFIG_ROOT = "/synthetic/config";


    public Resource getResource(ResolveContext<DoesNotNeedAContext> resolveContext, String s, ResourceContext resourceContext, Resource resource) {

        Resource resource1 = resolveContext.getResourceResolver().getResource("/content/we-retail");

        return null;



    public Iterator<Resource> listChildren(ResolveContext<DoesNotNeedAContext> resolveContext, Resource resource) {

        return null;


    /** If this provider required a context this would be more elaborate,

     *  but for this simple example we don't need one.


    public static class DoesNotNeedAContext {




How can I fix this? Thanks in advance!

1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Level 10

IS that the value that appears when you open the Manifest file in the bundle? You need to make sure they match exactly. Also make sure the system user has the correct permissions. These are 2 things that can explain the null.

View solution in original post

11 Replies


Level 10

You need to use a System user and Sling Mapping as you do when you get a Session object.


Level 5

smacdonald2008 I have a service user and the 'Apache Sling Service User Mapper Service' has the default user set to this user. Am I missing something?


Level 10

You are missing the code required to create a ResourceResolver. I did not see it in that link.

Map<String, Object> param = new HashMap<String, Object>();

param.put(ResourceResolverFactory.SUBSERVICE, "datawrite");

ResourceResolver resolver = null;

try {


    //Create a valid ResourceResolver

resolver = resolverFactory.getServiceResourceResolver(param);


See this article -- Scott's Digital Community: Querying Adobe Experience Manager 6 data using the Sling getServiceResour...


Level 10


Scott is right. In order to create  ResourceResolver, you have to use mentioned code:

Map<String, Object> param = new HashMap<String, Object>();

param.put(ResourceResolverFactory.SUBSERVICE, "datawrite");

ResourceResolver resolver = null;

try {


    //Create a valid ResourceResolver

resolver = resolverFactory.getServiceResourceResolver(param);



Level 5

I added the following line in the 'Apache Sling Service User Mapper Service':

aem-company-platform-core-bundle:datawrite=platform-company-service (NOTE: aem-company-platform-core-bundle is the symbolic bundle name)

And I have the following code:

//Inject a Sling ResourceResolverFactory


private ResourceResolverFactory resolverFactory;


public Resource getResource(ResolveContext<DoesNotNeedAContext> resolveContext, String s, ResourceContext resourceContext, Resource resource) {

    Map<String, Object> param = new HashMap<String, Object>();

    param.put(ResourceResolverFactory.SUBSERVICE, "datawrite");

    ResourceResolver resolver = null;

    //Create a valid ResourceResolver

    try {

        resolver = resolverFactory.getServiceResourceResolver(param);

        Resource thisResouceIsNull = resolver.getResource("/content/we-retail");

    } catch (LoginException e) {



    return null;


I still get null If I try to get a resource using that resolver:

Screen Shot 2017-08-21 at 20.49.28.png

Is something still missing?


Level 10

Post screen shot of the Sling Mapping Service. Make sure you are specifying the correct Symbolic Bundle name in that service.


Level 5


Correct answer by
Level 10

IS that the value that appears when you open the Manifest file in the bundle? You need to make sure they match exactly. Also make sure the system user has the correct permissions. These are 2 things that can explain the null.


Level 5

I was missing the correct permission, thank you very much both of you!


Level 10

Can you please send me an email at scottm@adobe.com -- thxs!


Level 1

Get the resource Resolver in Sling Model without using SlingHttpServletRequest.
