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AEM 6.3 Multifield On dialog submit


Level 2

HI All,

Multifield in aem 6.3 Touch ui has some problem after submitting the dialog. while submitting, values are getting greyed/squeezed in unlike normal fields. I had a requirement to handle minimum fields author can author and had achieved minlinksallowed property. JS written to handle had a error message to display on submitting with a cancel and submit button. On clicking cancel, fields authored are greyed and user is not able to edit back the values. He is forced to delete the items and author from first. Attaching the screenshot for reference.

Also written specific for this component overrides all the component dialog submit button, which always prompts with submit and cancel button.

I have  tested OOB definition-list component, which has multifield and it also behaves the same way. Can someone provide insights on this?



Thanks ,


8 Replies


Level 10

See this article:

Scott's Digital Community: Creating a HTL Repeating Data Set 6.3 Component that uses Sling Models

When you click the checkmark button - the values are submitted to the Sling Model and the MF values are stored fine. I have never seen the functionality that you are describing. Are you using the Granite/Coral MF?


Level 2

HI smacdonald2008

I don't have any issue storing the values in JCR . It is all happening perfect. when i do a validation check of minimum items authored, it throws a validation error message and the authored MF items are collapsed  as show in screenshot above. So author is unable to edit back the items authored and he is forced to author from the start deleting the items authored already.

Am using coral MF.


Level 2
@gokulkrish Have you got the solution for this?? Even i was facing with this issue


Level 10

Show us the logic you are using to perform the validation check.


Level 1

Hi gokulkrish​. I am also facing the same issue. The multifields are getting shrinked on submit of the dialog. Can you please let me know if you've got the solution for it.



Level 1

Hi smacdonald2008 I am also facing the same issue. The multifields are getting shrinked on submit of the dialog. Can you please let me know the solution for it.



Level 10

The solution now for MF is to use granite/coral resource type. I recommend gonig through this entire doc: Building Experience Manager Components using Granite/Coral Resource Types

The last section shows you MF and it works nicely.


Community Advisor

Hi @gokulkrish / @sai_santhosht50,

Please share dialog.xml