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AEM 6.3 after selecting template page properties and create page option is diabled


Level 7

Hi ,

I am just trying very simple scenerio ....no maven structure code and all ...just one template which is pointing to pagelevel component (called site ) and that component is inheriting wcm foundation page component and now i am copying body.html and just added only one line that is for adding parsys .

but when i m trying to create page after selecting template pageproerties is not coming where i put title and all for page create and even create button is also disabled .

Please help if I am missing something .

I am adding schreenshot as well for better clarifiaction.



11 Replies


Level 7




Level 7

What version of AEM you're using?

If you are using 6.3 or higher, Could you check if changing the super type to core/wcm/components/page/v1/page makes any difference?




Level 7

I am using 6.3 version . and what you suggested that also i tried  but thats didnt work .


Community Advisor


I tried same and works for me.

Could you please try with my package

aem63app-repo/my-site-1.zip at master · arunpatidar02/aem63app-repo · GitHub

Arun Patidar


Level 7

It would be better if you will point of specific your change from this standard maven archetype project ...where you made the chnages in the project ?

If I need to add parsys by default in page how I will make that ?

Beasue I have tried the same and changedd the page.html putting data sly resource parsys bt after that parsys will come in the page but not able to configure it .Parsys is not configurable .


Level 7

even I am having same maven project which works smoothly in AEM 6.1 but  if I installed the same project exactly in AEM 6.3 version it is not working .

in AEM 6.1 parsys is clickable in design and edit mode but in AEM 6.3 same is not working . I am not able to click the parsys to configure any component and all.


Level 7


Highlighted one is my customised template and pagelvel component and one coponent I made and in body.html I have just added the parsys . The above pic works smoothly in aem 6.1 .If same project i deploy in AEM 6.3 It doesnot work parsys appears but not clickable .

Please suggest on this .(The project is maven project only . like Arun Shared )


Community Advisor

what can you see if you try to edit pasrsys.

Can you check if you have added initi.jsp in headlibs

<!--/* Initializes the Experience Manager authoring UI */-->

<sly data-sly-include="/libs/wcm/core/components/init/init.jsp" data-sly-unwrap/>

Arun Patidar


Level 7

No Adding init.jsp also not helping ....still parsys is unclickable

I found below thread with the same issue bt this doesnt have correct answer it seems

AEM 6.3 - not add component to parsys


Level 4

I hope you didn't make any changes for cq:dialog resides under /libs/wcm/foundation/components/page.

You wont be seeing this properties when there is any error with the cq:dialog (/libs/wcm/foundation/components/page/cq:dialog or /libs/wcm/foundation/components/basicpage/v1/basicpage/cq:dialog).

Just cross check whether any changes made to it bymistake or just replace cq:dialog from any other libs page component to make it work!


Level 7

No I have not made any changes in that . out of the box component I am just using by slingresourceSuperType ./libs/wcm/foundation/components/page. and after that in apps in my component i copied the body.html and removed everything and added a parsys thats all.

bt still page dailog is not opening